Greetings From Your New Blogger

Anjali Walia
Why Didn’t I Know This
2 min readOct 28, 2019

My name is Anjali, and I am so thrilled to be taking over the WHRY blog this year!

As a junior Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology major in Saybrook College at Yale, I discovered my passion for women’s health through my involvement in various activities. These have ranged from volunteering at Planned Parenthood and leading the Reproductive Justice Action League at Yale to working on a doula care policy for New Haven and researching a lung disease that primarily affects women. Throughout these experiences, I have gained an incredible sense of solidarity with the women around me and hope to one day dedicate a career in medicine to serving this community.

In an online world replete with clickbait headlines and partial stories, I want to give you the whole, accurate story. Dhiksha and Sue’s amazing work on this blog set the tone, and I’d love to follow their lead. In part that means:

  • debunking popular myths about the health of women
  • discussing health care equity
  • exploring the policy implications of health research into sex-and-gender disparities
  • digesting complicated issues in the field
  • interviewing the brilliant women with whom I am so lucky to work, and more

In the midst of celebrating the 50th anniversary of coeducation at Yale and 150 years of the first female graduate students at the university, I could not be more inspired to reflect on the tremendous progress we have made and that which is yet to come. I hope you will join me!



Anjali Walia
Why Didn’t I Know This

Anjali is a junior Molecular, Cellular, Development Biology major in Saybrook who is passionate about women’s health and thrilled to write for the WHRY blog!