Portfolios with Purpose and Emcee

We’ve teamed up with Portfolios with Purpose to host their charity based fantasy stock picking competitions on our mobile app for universities across the country.

Arash Asady
Why Emcee?
7 min readNov 5, 2018


The Student challenge kicks off January 21, 2019. Register here!

The Portfolios with Purpose Student Challenge represents the intersection of philanthropy, networking, and the application of learning about economics, finance, and global markets all within a fun and engaging competition.

PwP hosted its first Campus Challenge in 2015. 14 teams of students from the nation’s finest academic institutions entered into a competition that spanned the full academic year. Today, PwP has over 70 participating schools and over 1,200 students competing.

The benefits of participation are multi-faceted. Our trading platform unites a global community of philanthropists. Students who compete choose their favorite 501 ( c )(3) charity and the entry fees for the entire competition are donated to the winning students’ designated charities. The more people competing, the more money to win, and the bigger impact we can have.

In addition to philanthropy, students learn about finance and the financial markets by applying lessons learned in the classroom to the real world. Participation in the competition will provide students with materials they can add to college applications or resumes, illustrating their passion for the markets, finance, business and math.

Finally, PwP also gives you invaluable access to networking opportunities with the country’s best universities and financial firms. We have partnered with some of the biggest names in finance, including David Einhorn, James Dinan, and Leon Cooperman to name a few and this year you will have the benefit of an even larger network of professionals and institutions.

Emcee has partnered with PwP to host their student competitions on our mobile app. Emcee’s mission is to spread wealth and financial progress for the next generation of investors. This is strategically aligned with PwP’s mission. We’re excited to join the PwP community and help the next generation of investors in the meantime.

How it Works in 5 Steps

If you are a high school or college student interested in learning best practices of finance from your peers or professionals in the space and build a track record that is going to make you more recruitable, first register for the competitions here.

1. Dashboard

You will receive a follow up email confirming your registration. Before the competitions begin you will receive an invite to download the mobile app after registration. Navigate to the “competitions” tab in the app to your personal Dashboard. Here you can see what competions you are currently participating and that are being featured. Swipe to the right to your “Requests” page where you will see the official invite to particiapte in the PwP student challenge.

2. Pick a Charity and Pay to Play

After joining the contest on the mobile app, pick your charity. Search for your favorite charity and choose from the list. If you don’t see your charity select custom and we will work with you to add your charity to the list, as long as it is a registered 501(c)(3). We leave no charity behind! We will also ask you what campus you represent and your year of graduation.

3. Pay the Entry Fee and Learn about the Competition

Pay the entry fee or submit a promo code if your campus is sponsoring your competition. Ask your campus to sponsor your entry fee if you haven’t already! Once you’re in the competition you will notice the navigation is entirely modular. There are 3 tabs: “Info”, “Portfolios”, “Feed.” In the info tab, learn more about the competition you are participating and note the rules. Once you are ready, navigate to “Portfolios” or swipe right and accept your invite to join the competition.

4. Rep Your Charity and Create Your Portfolio

Once accepted, you can create your charity portfolio by setting its name and image. In the info page, rep your charity by writing a brief description about it for others to see. Finally, navigate back to “assets” and begin to modify your portfolio by adding assets to it.

After clicking “add asset”, search for the asset you want. You can search by name, ticker, or even topic. Our intelligent search solution will find what you are looking for even if you don’t know exactly what it is. In this example, I search for “Wave”, a life sciences company. Select it once it appears and then place a purchase order. This can be done by selecting a dollar amount you would like to invest in this comapny or the number of shares you would like to purchase. Repeat this process for as many assets you want to add to your portfolio.

5. Check the Activity Feed and See How You Rank

Once you created your portfolo you can manage it by adding, selling, or shorting assets. View your performance over time by adjusting the chart and check the activity feed for curated news and transaction records. Not only can you check your own activity feed but you can check the entire competitions activity feed as well by navigating back to the competition home page. Finally, see how you rank among other participants in the “portfolios” tab. You can even view the industry allocation of the portfolios of others. Make as many trades as you like and be sure to post comments in your activity feed to showcase your investment decision thought process. This is what recruiters will be looking for.

Good Luck!

Email support@emceeinvest.com for any questions regarding the competitions or the usage of the app in general.



No. Portfolios with Purpose is a fantasy stock portfolio competition. No actual stock is purchased.


First place awards 60% of the donation pool to their charity, second place awards 30%, and third place awards 10%. More players in a pool increases the total dollar amount that goes to charity. The donation pool also increases as players make more trades throughout the contest.


Overall performance, or historical total return is calculated by taking the average annual total return of the five securities in a participant’s portfolio. Total return of an individual security is defined as the percentage change from the closing price on the final trading day of the contest adjusted for stock splits, rights offerings and spin-offs since the start of the competition.


Yes. Ordinary and special dividends are added to the original share price when computing total return.


Performance is calculated in 30 minute intervals.


Each player has the option to keep their stock picks private by changing their privacy setting on personal profile pages. There will be snapshots of winning portfolios at the conclusion of the contest.


Portfolios with Purpose retains the authority to reject or accept any charity in its sole discretion. Certain organizations are ineligible based on the following guidelines:

• Organizations that do not have a 501(c)(3) exemption, except for public schools.
• Community trusts or similar organizations, including Charitable Remainder Trusts, Donor Advised Funds, Family Foundations, or charitable organizations classified as private foundations or trusts.
• Fraternal and labor organizations, lobbying groups, partisan political organizations, candidates, or to support specific legislation.
• Anti-business organizations or organizations that discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, disability, religion, ethnic or national origin, or sexual orientation.
• Religious programs or organizations, except when the activities being sponsored are non-sectarian.


All entry fees are held in an escrow account at JP Morgan Chase.


Portfolios With Purpose is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit institution. Contributions to Portfolios With Purpose are tax deductible.



Arash Asady
Why Emcee?

Arash is the CEO and Cofounder of Bits of Stock. Losing sleep over wealth inequality trends and the impact on changing world orders.