I’m raising money to attend Hive Global Leaders Program 2016

Betty Mutimba
Girl Fight


I cannot believe I got into the Hive program on the first try. I really thought it would take several rounds. But I did! That means something.

Hive is a leadership training program for extraordinary CEOs, leaders, entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, and philanthropists who are actively working to create a better world. At the upcoming Hive Global Leaders Program at Havard (April 15- 18) Hive is bringing together some of the world’s leading purpose-driven entrepreneurs and innovators for a unique three-day immersive leadership program.

This is my story…

My dream is to achieve intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical and geographical freedom. My first book (self-publishing this year) is inspired by an aching to be free. I want to live my life traveling, seeing, feeling, experiencing and writing about it.

I feel my life’s purpose is to free people from the captivity that can be life as we know it. The norms that we are born into and a fear of the unknown keep us from finding our true selves and truly living. When we are free we are more economically productive.

On changing the world, I want to win the feminist fight in all the ways I can. Imagine a life where walking down the street is a daunting task every single day. Where you stop being human for those few minutes and become an item on display…fair game for anyone who wants to look, touch, grab, ridicule, shame and go as far as conditions (time of day, number of people on the street, accomplices) are favourable and will allow.

Imagine that your constant fear (as you walk down the street every day) is that one day the conditions will be favourable for them.

Meanwhile you look away, act like you didn’t hear them, push them away when they try to touch/grab (sometimes they get away with it), talk back at them (mildly satisfying), run — scream (because it does get dangerous)… It’s exhausting. Imagine this little crucial freedom taken away from you, every day.

If this is your life, you must be one angry person. Welcome to one half of the world’s population. What am I doing about it? I’m taking back my freedom!

I started a self defence class for people like me. First, we should be able to stay in control of a potentially dangerous situation and protect ourselves. The class allows us to channel the anger into something productive and gives us room to think about what can actually be done to make the streets safer for girls and women.

There is not enough awareness around the facts that:

  • Street harassment happens to girls from as early as age 13
  • Harassment happens everywhere: in cities, villages, in our homes, at our workplaces
  • These situations easily escalate to assault, rape…and worse

What is it that we can actually do about this? As individuals, as entrepreneurs, as the government…How do you solve for a wrong mindset? How do we ensure that from now on we are passing on the right messaging to younger generations?

My name is Betty Mutimba, I am Band Manager for the Kenyan rock group ParkingLotGrass. I am Africa Regional Director forStartup Grind, the world’s community of founders that exists to walk entrepreneurs through their founding journey. I work at Fezah as Business Operations Lead in Nairobi. Fezah provides you the simplest way to book a musician, band or DJ for your events. Previously, I co-founded Valuraha, a technology startup aimed at spreading financial literacy. I am also an aspiringnovelist.

I applied to Hive to look for answers. Hive helps leaders and entrepreneurs get clarity on their true life purpose and develop a clear action plan toward achieving their dreams at global scale.

At Hive, I’ll be asking the question: How can I use music, technology, entrepreneurship and writing to make the change I desire to see in the world?

Tuition for the program is $1500, I secured a 50% scholarshipfrom Hive reducing my tuition fee to $750. So $750 for tuition and $1000 for return air fare, my total cost to attend the program is $1750.

100% of the proceeds will go to cover leadership development and training, anything raised over that will go towards my rooming cost for the conference (which is an additional $500 that I am paying out of pocket).


Here’s my Generosity campaign https://www.generosity.com/education-fundraising/help-betty-get-to-hive-global-leaders-program/x/13166248

Other ways to get involved:
Advocate: spread the word + share on social media using#getBetty2Hive
introduce Betty to people
Inspire: talk about the campaign with others

