Image by Sean Fears


Sean Fears
“Why not change the world?”
1 min readJan 21, 2016


Sometimes, everything feels like it is in flux… it was just such a time when I wrote this, and it feels that way again:

The tower shakes and crumbles into dust
Pow’rless to stop the ocean’s slow advance;
The pieces of our lives whirl around us
And rearrange themselves to suit some other Plan.
Uncertainty distorts all that I know,
While disruption’s the order of the day.
I no more know the way that I should go,
Nor do I ken the words that I should say.
Perhaps I need say nothing- in due time
Order shall rise from Chaos’ turbid sea,
Providing new foundations- then this rhyme
Will fossiliz’ed and outdated be.

No matter, the winds that around us whirl;
The sequence ends with the sure dawning of the world.



Sean Fears
“Why not change the world?”

Computer technology professor, husband, father, and wonderer