A love letter to myself.

Keaton Averman
Published in
4 min readFeb 23, 2018

Dear Future Keaton,

You may not feel like this today, but one day your anxieties, fears, and doubts will creep back into your mind. It’s not because you’re faulty or imperfect, just that life sometimes gets in the way of what matters.

It’s not intentional, it just happens. That’s life.

So here’s a list of things to remember when you’re feeling down and need a pick-me-up:

1. You Are Perfect, Just The Way You Are.

On the days you don’t workout, don’t get enough work done, outspend your budget, sleep too little, party too late, and eat like trash, you are still perfect. Sure, you can always hone in on the minute details to better yourself, but what will that change? Inevitably, you take effort away from other parts of life to “fix” how you feel.

But there’s no “fixing”, only the shifting of priorities.

When you feel like something about you is inadequate, look outward to those around you, the people who you love and who love you in return. Spend time with them! Go out, have fun, make memories. Be responsibly irresponsible.

When this story we call “life” is over, the memories we made will be the only things we take with us. So go forth, find meaning, find love, and find your voice. Don’t worry about anything else, it won’t matter.

2. Surround Yourself With People Who Light You Up.

As a creative, you burn the candle from both ends. There’s a fire inside of you that lights the horizon of imagination and possibility. When you’re inspired, you get this burning feeling inside that can’t be turned off until you shape your vision from the fire hose of ideas. For hours on end you’ll stay up and work without tiring. Time disappears and you forget to eat or sleep.

Once finished, the fire goes out, and you crash. You crash HARD. The horizon recedes and a dark icy cold grips your soul. You spend days in retreat from all social interaction, stress, and responsibility. You become the child behind the confident adult’s voice, and you are vulnerable.

It’s in these times when you need the people who can re-light your flame, seemingly without trying. They’re going to be few and far between, so search long and hard for them. When you do find them, you’ll know. They’ll change your day in a moment, washing a warm blanket of reassurance over your tired and cold mind. They’ll wipe the worries and doubts away, and bring the child out to play.

Hold these people more dear than any others, they’re your key to a creative and fulfilling life.

3. Trust Your Voice

There will come a time when the road forks, when you have to make decisions that have no right answer or clear path. Now is the time to look inward and listen to your desires. Everyone will have an opinion, each with their own agenda and reasons. They offer genuine advice, but you’ll only ask hoping to affirm what you know to be true. Deep down, the truth has always been there, you just have to let it surface.

There’s no need to rush, you have all the time in the world. Making quick decisions is easy, they don’t require you to find your inner truth. That being said, upon finding your conclusion, it’s time to move.

Act with passion, act with urgency, act with intent, and do not look back. Your voice has always led you in the right direction, it won’t fail you now.

4. There Is No End, Only New Beginnings

At some point, you’ll look at life and question everything. I’m not sure why we do this, but we do. You’ll be sitting alone and the thoughts will pop in your head, seemingly out of nowhere.

What happens when I graduate? Why am I here on this planet? What happens when I die? What if everything doesn’t work out? What if I’m not happy with my decisions? What if I’m wrong?

Now is the time to remind yourself that there’s always a reason, you just have to look for it. No matter what you do, you always find a way to affect positive change on those around you. Even if you decide to leave a relationship, job, or cause, rest easy knowing that the end also means the opportunity for a new beginning. It’s never too late to find new directions in life, that’s how we stay young.

As a initiator, new ideas and experience light you up, so leverage that trait. When things feel stagnant, bring your inner desire for change to bring new life to the situation.

When the lights go out and cold seeps in, remember this. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but someday, this will save your creativity.

With love, respect, and faith,

Present Keaton

