Closing Thoughts

After writing this blog with the research I did, it gave me a great foundation on how to build on my public speaking skills. I was able to take what I found in the books and articles about public speaking and run with that information when presenting in class. I think researching this topic helped me out tremendously for the two presentations I did for this class, and I think it showed.

For our first presentation, I decided to do it on all of the research in this blog. I had a really good grasp on what I think is supposed to go into a good presentation. Not only that, but I also felt like the bad stigma I associated with public speaking slowly began to vanish with the more I realized that it is not as hard as I thought it was. I realized that I am a personable enough person to just be myself, and converse with the audience as I learned from the first book I read about public speaking. I got up there and did my thing, and it worked out really well for me. All I had to do was get up there and pretend I was the man and all of my nerves would go away, which is exactly what happened.

Our group presentation was a cake walk compared to the first one. I only had to speak for a small amount of time, and I had three other people up there to take some pressure off of myself. I was comfortable enough with speaking that I decided to take the leadership role in this presentation by starting the introduction. This is something that I would have never done if it wasn’t for me working and researching this soft skill to get better at it.

I am going to take what I wrote in this blog and continue to run with it as I continue to do presentations in the future. I am really glad I was able to develop this soft skill into something I did not think I was capable of. Thank you to all of those who gave me the information I needed to better myself as a public speaker. I couldn’t have done it without you. Blogger out!

