Dealing with Presentation Anxiety

One of the main problem that is faced when conducting presentations and speaking publicly is the anxiety that comes with it. This is what ultimately holds me back, just like many others. However, there are public speakers who suffer from the same anxiety I do, but the trick is knowing how to hide it.

In the book “Speaking up Without Fear” the author dubs this idea of hiding your anxiety “fake it until you make it”. He provides various ways in which one can gradually overcome the anxiety related to public speaking. One routine Abrahms presents is to “give your nervous energy a place to go. For example, you can secretly squeeze your toes or lightly squeeze your thumb and pointer finger together…”(2014).

By transferring this nervous energy to another part of your body, it may help you think clearer and gather your thoughts. This unwanted anxiety is now bunched up into a place that will not interfere with your delivery of information. After I conduct some more research, I plan on practicing public speaking again in front of a larger crowd, and look forward to trying these techniques out soon!


Abrahams, M. (2014). Speaking up without Freaking Out: 50 techniques for confident, calm, and competent presenting. Dubuque, I: Kendall Hunt

