Diving in to the Big Show (somewhat)

So this weekend I had a two minute presentation due for my online Project Management class. I had to research two different projects: one that was successful, and one that was a disaster. After I completed my two minute power point, I asked two of my buddies to sit in on me presenting them with the information. Here’s what went down…

When I started presenting to them, they just started laughing as any of my dumb friends would. But there I was trying to be serious about it and I couldn’t hold a straight face for the most part. Eventually, I got my ideas flowing and was able to deliver a decent presentation to them and they actually were pretty interested in the information I had in my slides.

Although this was helpful in getting what I wanted to say out in the best way I could, it still did not do me justice as I felt comfortable speaking in front of my close friends. However I thought it was great practice for me because I was able to consistently flow out my ideas and grab the small audiences attention. It was short and concise, and I was not directly reading off the slides which is a good start. However, when I have to do this in front of 20 classmates I believe this will go a little differently.

Next time I practice this I will definitely have more people in attendance to establish a classroom-like environment. Also, I will keep reading up on this book I checked out of the library that will help me stay calm and confident when presenting information in front of others. Or else I’ll end up like this guy from My Cousin Vinny.

