European women in tech conference, Amsterdam 2019

Maja Schreiner
Sharing Tribe
Published in
4 min readDec 10, 2019

Sharing is caring

I feel really lucky to have heard about European women in technology conference through a colleague who was presenting there last year. It immediately felt like an event I’d love to visit and take part in. After some months and a few emails and telephone calls my talk about “being (almost always) an only woman on a team” was accepted in the program. The excitement was growing in the weeks to come and I have to admit that the talk I’ve delivered was the easiest ever. Never ever have I prepared less but reached more. Those 40 minutes on stage felt like the most natural place to be and I was very happy to see so many faces that resembled my thoughts, tips, and experiences.

Without a need to brag about my talk and the incredibly positive feedback I’ve received, I’d still like to quote one of the attendees:

Actually you really reasserted me on some points I already apply. … and I am the only woman in my team. I completely agree that it is important to establish relations with one’s male colleagues and to get them to know a little bit outside the office.

I appreciated your advice to find women peers in order to be able to exchange experiences and to help each other (even though it can be difficult to find them).

I especially appreciated your openness and sincerity during your presentation, it felt real and not at all put on.

For any further inquiries and questions regarding

  • Women empowerment
  • Women communities
  • Mentoring
  • Job sharing

please don’t hesitate to contact me directly.

The conference itself

The beginning of the conference was just overwhelming. Seeing around 4'000 attendees, mostly women, in a huge trade fair hall, equally excited and curious, followed by a grand opening and first talks and panels … Honestly, the talks between 9 and 11:30 on both days were those I cherished the most. There was so much learning content to grasp and even though I took lots of notes and screen photos I’m still digesting them today.

Among all, I’ve learned about the 3Ds: Decarbonization, Digitization, and Decentralization, the importance of a bionic company and leadership, empathy, consent and consensus, personal branding and diversity. I didn’t follow much of the tech talks since I was more interested in amplifying my business and people’s focus.

I’d like to share some quotes I’ve collected in those 2 days that really struck me.

Never overestimate the power you have.

Always ask yourself: “Who is talking to your talent that is widespread?”

What does it mean for you to be fearless?

Don’t put everything at stake.

Chase (something you want) so hard that nobody can stop you.

Push, push and again push really hard. It’s yourself that has to believe in yourself. Do not let anyone and any dynamics stop you. If you have that in your mindset you will succeed.

Diversity should be embraced and not tolerated because when it’s tolerated, it can even backfire.

Still, diversity is not a magic formula. You have to be very clear about your business needs. Do you need to be able to collaborate, be open, humble, able to listen… That is where you need (gender) diversity and female leaders and will grow. Embrace it!

We all make mistakes. What differentiates us is how we deal with mistakes. Choose your way: either blame others or you admit it and treat yourself like a friend — don’t bash yourself.

Women of leadership get criticized not only for their opinions but their looks, too. We should combat being pushed to that mold of what a woman is supposed to be/look like, but it definitely is not an easy task.

4 C’s for great leadership — Confidence, Curiosity, Clear and Coolness. Remember 80–20 rule, Admire yourself to be 80% right in a day, Allow yourself to do mistake for 20% and accept it, Be kind to yourself!”

My gratitude goes to:

Thank you Maddox events for your trust and having me. Thanks to the organization team and everyone involved.

Thank you, Mia Roberts and Juanita Agboola for the flawless organization, your support with rephrasing my abstract and administrative tasks that were needed.

Thank you, my dear Lina Zubyte whom I was meeting for the 4th conference now. There are people with whom one can connect in an instant, who strike you with their spirit and smile. You are a true inspiration and I feel lucky to be your friend. :)

Thank you, Maryam Umar, for your courage to deliver THE best talk of the conference. I still get goosebumps when I remember it. I hug and love you!

Thank you Angela Huser, Johanna Herbst, Sonja Bozic, Saane Visser, Alexandra Pastollnigg, Pavla Krizanic, Jelena Laketic, for your tips and the connection. I’m very much looking forward to seeing you soon.

Last but not least, thank you to all the conference attendees. Please pass the good work and let’s discover, disrupt and deliver!

#womenintech #wintechseries #conference #Amsterdam

Originally published at



Maja Schreiner
Sharing Tribe

Entrepreneur | Creating connections based on trust so that we can create knowledgeable, engaged, and performing teams.