Postcards from Poland

Students from the Central European Travel Seminar reflect on their life-changing experience.

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A handful of students spent a portion of their summer in the Central European Travel Seminar, an interdisciplinary immersion experience that offered a hands-on understanding of the history and culture of Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary and Poland. During that last stop in Poland, they took time to write postcards to Chancellor Jim, reflecting on their experiences. Here’s what they had to say:

“For the past four weeks, I have been on the Central European Travel Seminar. It has been one of the best experiences of my life! I came on this trip to learn more for my future as a history teacher; I know that I will not be the same teacher I would have been had I not gone on this trip. I have learned so much! Thank you for supporting this program!” — Michelle Wisley

“Hello all the way from Kraków, Poland! I am writing to you from the Central European Travel Seminar as we continue our travels. This trip has been amazing and I wanted to write to you, thanking you and the people at Eau Claire, for making it possible. I have never left the U.S. before this trip, and it has broadened my horizons and my view of the world exponentially. As an almost graduate (August 2015) of Eau Claire, I can definitely say that this trip has been on of the best experiences I have had in my 4 years, so thank you!” — Anna Kerber

“I write to you now as I sit in my hotel in Kraków. We have just arrived back from a day at Auschwitz. If I thought the last 30 days have changed me completely, then I was wrong, because this day has been something I will never forget. I could talk about CETS for hours, and all of its positive effects it has placed on me.” — Eric Hagstrom

“Greetings from Poland! I hope you are doing well! This trip has taught me real life skills such as: how to navigate a subway or train system, how to communicate with a culture that does not speak my language, and how to conduct myself in group projects with 20 other students. Thank you so much for helping to run a school that allowed me this inspiration.” — Mikel Marsofka

“I write to you as a Blugold student enrolled in the Central European Travel Seminar. This study abroad opportunity has been a life-changing experience and I wanted to thank you for continuing to provide these programs to me and my fellow Blugolds. I have learned more about myself as a global citizen and about my Czech ancestry, and have learned to be a critical thinker in and out of the classroom. The interdisciplinary nature of this course provided a much more holistic and meaningful look at the 5 countries we’ve visited. The faculty who accompanied us made the trip that much more special. I feel fortunate to have quality instructors at UWEC.” — Georgie Shimek

What Blugold experiences are you having right here in Eau Claire or around the world? We’d love to hear from you! Send your notes to @ChancellorJim on Twitter or through the mail at Chancellor James Schmidt, Schofield Hall 204, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire WI 54702–4004.



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