Why we reads books

Published in
6 min readDec 10, 2020

(WHy we we read books)

Evidently the regular habit of reading books creates intelligence engagement that helps lots of things, including vocabulary, thinking skills, and concentration power, smartness in our body language . It also can affect on compassion , social perceptiveness and emotional intelligence, such these things help people stay on the earth longer.

Books motivation and encouragement

1.Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience this is the ideal life.

As we all knows motivation has a great impact on human life.

In this 21th CENTURY every person depressed in their problems, drawbacks and hurdles of life and wants to live way of happiness life.

SUCH kinds of situation books are best loveable friends in which scientists and many authors describes whole experience of life (Which builds a desire in our mind to becomes fear free and successful person in life as soon as possible with our hard work and perspicacious, sharp mind.


➤ A famous book written by a famous writer motivational,speaker or national geographic chairman jean case,in which she shows some thoughts from her own transformational life experiences .

Jean case wants to showcase the core qualities of change makers.

She found five surprising traits in every exceptional leader by reading this i got to know the real life stories of ,many extraordinary people.

she thinks that five things that consistently present when transformational breakthroughs take place but the underlying secret is simple be fearless.

➤ whether you are working at a startup finding yourself at a personal crossroads or looking for inspiration to make a life-altering change be fearless, principle can provide guidance how to takes next step and the moment to do so is now .


  • Make a big bet
  • Be bold and take risk
  • Make failures matters
  • Reach beyond the bubble
  • Just do it

So,we are gone through five prominent lessons,so I tried to touch every important aspect of this book but the completely understand the concept and transform your life must read the book be fearless .

We face challenges to live a valuable life while living in this world, we have to take risks, be bold fail forward because we must be fearless.

GOOD books takes us into a new imagination world that becomes creative and actual part of our life.

2.“The person, be it gentleman or a women, who has not pleasure in a good books or some kind of novels must be intolerably ignorant .

3.A reader(bibliophile.

lives a thousand lives before he dies.

THE books shows golden dreams which is not a crime we should study motivational inspirational books ,not discouragement or dispirit ,stories…

In this,times we prefers social media platforms,and many people think why we read books but it is not so well,because reading is important for brain like,exercise is important for body.

For example, we can never learn so much just as we can not make health by eating food.

There are more effective books than watchings stories in the videos.preferring video over books makes us slackness or toridiness.And so,we start living in comfort zone…

Books are like nuclear bombs for readers,and learners who are to,small to see but have a lot of content and influential things inside them.

Now the books in pdf form are applicable but the handy books clean zing ,saltiness in our brain.

Applicable reasons,for why we needs books

➤ Books are better than watching tv or movies because,what we watch in tv and movies is creation of director or animator and the books we reads ourselves will only be our thoughts and creation.

➤ Poor communication is a reason of divorce ,and solution is we should reads book of relationships like,

  • How to Win Friends & Influence People. …( Dale Carnegie’
  • The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work by John Gottman and Nan Silver.
  • Henry Holt & Co. (“Getting the Love You Want”)
  • Northfield Publishing.(The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts)
  • Mens are from,mars womens are from venus

( one of the advantages of reading books,is that they play a great role in our domestic relations.)

(We all want to,learn a lot. It is better to learn from ourselves,if they come from them they have done all this,for example if we have to invest warren buffett books are applicable for us ,they teaches us a lot of ideas,and we get good tips also these things will help practically.)

➤Futhermore,the benefits of reading books don’t just stop at gaining knowledge and expanding,your vocabulary…

➤There are numerous reasons why you should read more,you should strive to develop daily reading habits ,because it can be really beneficial for you.

➤Infact reading makes you more intelligent and not only helps with fluid intelligency,also supports with reading comprehension and emotional intelligency,as well.

➤Therefore,you make smarter decisions overall-both about yourself and those around you.

➤ Moreover,readings inspirational books can contribute to yours growth and developments ,and provides motivation…


According to studies,losing yourself in books especially fiction ,may increase your empathy.

As you let go the emotional and mental chatter found in the real world ,you enjoy deep reading thats,allows you to feel what the characters in a story feel.

AND this in turn makes you more empathetic to people in real life.

You become more aware and alert to lives of others.

➤ Source of companionship

During,your life you will experience numerous transitions,changings schools jobs cities requires you to replace old relationships with new-ones

➤ And sometimes these adjustments are harder or take longer then expected.

➤ Reading can helps reduce feelings of alienation and loneliness.whether it’s,thorough the comfort of a favourite book,or through an emotional connections,to relateable charcters-books provides a stable source of companionships-especially during times when you feel the only person you can count on is yourself.


➤ Researchers have found that adults who read at least three and a half hours a week,can

Expect to have a longer lifespan than those who do not read.

This is because,reading increase connectivity between brain cells,which can lower the risk

Of neurodegenerative diseases that can shorten a lifespan.

➤ Developing a daily,reading habit can be super beneficial for you in fact, reading makes you more intelligent.



Science research says,that if you start reading book,you mind will feel relaxed in six minutes.So,we can say reading is most effective way to overcome stress.

As you know you have a precious life, give your instant life to books.



  • The first thing to adopt any habit is discipline,it must be because in today’s world we want to live by ourselves.
  • The problem is that when we are away from college or education,our discipline gets air…
  • This means that we convert to an auto mode,(like social media tv,or walking around or living in comfort zone.
  • Time management is essential for dicipline.dont think that you have read a lot of books but rather,you think about reading an hour or half an hour in twenty-four hours.
  • As we like to be in comfort zone,or do things that we benefits from or get a return.For this we have to apply such condition,that we are forced to think that benefits of readings books in beneficial.(This is important bcz,when it comes to practical,we think that the book was read last,so what we got,this is a huge excuse to make an easy task difficult.
  • You should find benefit,in books like (you can review it by sitting in people and talk about it).this will give you happiness and social approval.
  • You can give people information that they can get without books.meet more people who read books daily are usually,not what they don’t read because they discourage you bcz they do,not understand what has come to you.
  • In,beginning the book in which you are interested, read first,do not force this habit slowly will be made…
  • First,read basic books,then after reading two or more it is easy for you,your thinkings ideas all clear properly.
  • Read new books from,new readings books based on a subject oriented,the more readings the books that influence your close affairs.
  • The main purpose of reading books is to spend time with you…
  • If you think that you board alone,you do,getting tired books is an exercise that helps is in solitude…like to live alone give yourselves time.
  • As,we know we like conservations more reduc conservation and give times to writes,and read it will becomes helpful in the habit,of bookkeeping.
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