Why We Run: Priya Bhat-Patel

Run for Something
Why We Run (And You Can, Too!)
4 min readOct 9, 2018

UPDATE: Priya has won her race and is now a member of Carlsbad City Council in District 3!

What problem do you want to solve?

Our campaign is focused on transparency. When we’re out door knocking we hear people say they don’t feel represented on the council. I’ve been attending council meetings ever since I’ve filed, and I can tell you that there are times when the council fails to listen to its constituents. Residents should be at the forefront of decision-making. City Council is about neighbor representing neighbor. You want to be sure you’re including your neighbor in the conversation, and I think that’s been lacking.

A lot of people aren’t civically engaged because we haven’t given them the opportunity to be engaged. But I’ve had a lot of high schoolers wanting to be involved in my campaign. That brought tears to my eyes, and got me really excited because we’re trying to make a difference, and we’re inspiring the future. We’ve actually started holding civic education sessions for the whole community, which these young volunteers head up. We want people to understand how local government works. And my volunteers are excited to have this project in addition to knocking on doors.

What inspired you to run?

My background is in public health — I have my master’s degree and I’m currently finishing up my doctorate. I’ve worked in academic and corporate settings but I always felt I needed to do more, especially in my own community. Carlsbad has given me and my family so much, and I want to give back.

What’s happened while you’ve been knocking on doors?

One time, I got to a door that was already open. The woman there was in her eighties, came to the door and said she didn’t have time to talk. I said that was fine and gave her my palm card, and then she said, “Wait a minute! I’ve already heard about you! I’m rooting for you — you go girl!” That was super exciting.

What’s surprised you?

Seeing the partisan divide has been surprising. I’m in a city council race and it’s not supposed to be partisan, and I’ve been telling people that it’s much more about the issues than the party line.

How did you get past fears of doorknocking and fundraising?

My first doorknock was really scary. I was super nervous. But the first door I knocked on, no one was home. And that made a lot of the anxiety go away! I could just leave my lit and go! Then it was easier to go to the next one. The fundraising piece has always been hard, but I’ve asked for money before, for organizations. Asking for yourself, though, is harder! But someone on my team reminded me that I’m not asking for myself, I’m asking for my community. This money isn’t going to me, it’s going to the campaign that will allow me to represent my community.

What advice would you give someone considering a run?

Any sense of doubt you feel, we’ve all felt it. You know more than you think you know, and if you have the passion and the commitment, you should definitely run. Many of us have felt like we’re not qualified enough, or won’t be the best representative, because we’re trying to be the perfect version of a candidate. But it’s not about having a specific qualification. If you have a different qualification, that means you provide a different lens and perspective. You can be from any walk of life or background and represent your community, as long as you’re passionate and want to give back.

Who has inspired you?

My parents gave up a lot to come to this country. Seeing their work ethic and how much they’ve done to be good citizens has been inspiring. My professors have also been inspiring. One in particular is a woman who just does not stop. She has four daughters and she’s teaching, and she she’s doing it because she cares. She wants to teach people to be better versions of themselves. She also started a school in Sierra Leone. Her level of commitment to humanity is so inspiring.

Do you have a favorite quote?

Well, a favorite saying of my husband is “Change is the only constant.” That’s allowed me to remember that we will change, progress, and grow. As elected officials, or even simply citizens, we need to embrace that change.

What’s on your canvassing playlist?

I’ve started thinking about a playlist for the coalition of women we have running out here, and one I always think of is Beyonce’s “Run The World (Girls).” It’s a great one for when I’m asking myself “Why am I doing this? Oh yeah, Beyonce.”

How has Run For Something helped you?

When I first started thinking about running, I looked up organizations doing this kind of work and found Run For Something. From the get-go everyone was very positive and got me connected to the right resources. And that really encouraged me to keep going and learn more. I knew that even if I didn’t have a team, I could have a remote team. When I created my website, they got me connected to Creative Cabinet and got it to where it is now.

Learn more about Priya’s campaign here: https://www.priyabhatpatel.com/



Run for Something
Why We Run (And You Can, Too!)

Recruiting & supporting young people running for office. Building a Democratic bench. Want to help? hello@runforsomething.net