Why You Must Hire an Artificial Intelligence Company — Before It’s Too Late

Gentleminds AI
Published in
4 min readFeb 15, 2018

It seems like yesterday that Artificial Intelligence — or AI — was little more than a science fiction fantasy; Skynet threatening to take over the world; computer algorithms undermining our economy.

Yet, we stand here today talking to machines, conversing with messenger bots and placing our trust in automated services without so much as a second thought. It’s part of the norm. Artificial Intelligence has somehow, imperceptibly, become real.

And early-adopting companies are reaping all the rewards.

Global Investment

Artificial intelligence is everywhere: It’s in your smartphone, it’s in your house, it’s forecasting electricity demand in data centers — it could soon be driving your taxi as automakers harness the technology of self-driving cars.

Agriculture. Healthcare. Basically, every aspect of modern-day life, in some way, leverages AI.

According to a recent report from McKinsey, Alphabet has invested more than US $30 billion in developing AI technologies. Baidu — Alphabet’s Chinese counterpart — invested upwards of US $20-billion last year alone.

These numbers are no joke. They tell a story of the opportunity at hand.

Cultivating an AI Development Strategy

We’re not here to coddle you — satisfying your AI needs will not be easy.

You’ll have to be proficient in cutting-edge technologies. Machine learning (ML) is, in itself, a nascent technology — it only started gaining in popularity towards the end of 2013.

Today, we have a variety of ML courses and textbooks. However, to solve even the simplest of problems, specialistswill not only have to apply the algorithms they’re familiar with, but they will also need to utilize their experience with data to come up with valid solutions.

Moreover, top companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Uber are already monopolizing the most talented AI developers; which makes the hiring process nigh-on impossible at worst, or incredibly expensive, at best.

So, what can we mere mortals do?

Data shows that Machine Learning is now among the most sought-after skills in tech. Combine that with the limited supply of qualified candidates, and it’s easy to understand why Data Science salaries — and other associated fields — are going through the roof.

The harsh reality is this: Few companies will ever possess the requisite combination of experience and skill to produce functional AI systems.

However, some will. And one of them is…

Gentleminds: A Leading AI and Computer Vision Team

Gentleminds is a leading provider of AI development services. Both early-stage startups and global corporations choose Gentleminds as their trusted AI technology partner. For one single fact:

Our multi-disciplinary resources allow us to take AI systems from prototype to production-ready in an economical, scalable way.

Basically, Gentleminds’ R&D team can efficiently serve your development needs.

The Development Process

When you partner with Gentleminds, you’ll get an experienced team who will drive your project from start to finish.

Data is the critical feature of any robust, scalable AI system. We have our own specialist data team to collect and prepare requisite data-sets using our proprietary software.

Our team then employs industry best-practice in the development of your project to ensure your system remains flexible — and transparent.

7 Basic Steps of a Gentlemind’s Project:

  1. AI System Concept Development
  2. Data Collection
  3. Data Preparing
  4. System Development
  5. System Testing
  6. System Deployment
  7. Post-deployment Upgrades and On-going Support

Gentleminds can cover any part of your system from Machine Learning to Computer Vision. Depending on your particular needs, we also offer consultation, prototyping or full-scale systems development.

Gentlemind’s Capabilities

At Gentleminds, we only employ the best developers. The diversity of our team enables us to target whichever platform you prefer, including:

  • Linux
  • Windows
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Embedded systems

Progress in this field is extremely fast, however, our team keep themselves at the forefront of the industry. We have deep experience turning cutting-edge technology into functional, production-ready systems.

There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence is our future.

Core Technologies

Our experienced team offers so much more than just a simple solution from GitHub.

Gentleminds use a variety of technologies, prioritizing those that are best suited for your particular project.

See below for a full list of our core technologies and products.

Machine Learning Frameworks: TensorFlow, Pytorch, Caffe, Caffe2, MXNET, Keras

Computer Vision Libraries: OpenCV, Dlib,scikit-image

Deployment Environments: AWS, Azure, Hetzner, iOS, Android, Embedded

Ready for Action?

There’s no need to fear Artificial Intelligence. In fact, your life could be so much simpler with the right solution. For expert advice on how AI could power you to success, contact Gentleminds — the only choice for next-gen Artificial Intelligence.

If you’d like to discuss your business needs, please get in touch at info@gentleminds.io.

Your first consultation is 100% Free!

