Quick Tips To Ensure Your Child’s Safety

Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2017

1 out of 3 girls and 1 out of 5 boys will be sexually abused before they reach age 18. Children between the ages of 7–13 are the most vulnerable to sexual abuse. As terrifying as these statistics are, they make it important for parents to talk to their children about child safety. We know talking about this topic can be hard and you may be confused about what to say and what not to say. So we would like to make this conversation easier for you. Read on to learn how and what to say while teaching your child about child safety.

Private Parts

It’s wise to teach children about private parts and it is fine for them to have the words breasts, genitals, vagina, penis and bottom as a part of their vocabulary.

Teach your son that his genitals and bottom are private parts; and your daughter that her breasts, genitals and bottom are private parts. Teach them that these body parts are called private parts as they should not be talked about or shown in public.

5 Alerts

Teach your child the 5 Alerts: See Alert, Talk Alert, Touch Alert, Alone Alert, Hold Alert

Caretaker List

The Caretaker List must be made with your child. It should have the names of the people that you trust and that can bathe, change and be alone with your child. If your child is uncomfortable to add a particular person’s name, you must find out why. You might want to make a Not Approved List too. Remember to review the Caretaker List from time to time.

Circle of Love

Make the Circle of Love with your child. The Circle of Love has names of people that can hug, carry and kiss your child. If your child is uncomfortable to add a name, it might be good to find out why. Make sure the child is comfortable with his/her Circle of Love. Each family is different. While some families are extremely affectionate, some are not. So your child’s Circle of Love can be as restrictive or as easy as you and your child please.

You can teach your children these tips on child safety by showing them the video below. You can then start to create your child’s caretaker list and circle of love with them.


