Introducing Caracara

Published in
1 min readOct 5, 2017

I caught this band couple weeks ago. Thanks to whoever send me this band to my inbox because my slack ass is too lazy to look up for new things right now.

Philly four-piece Caracara are formed by members of Square Peg Round Hole and W.C Lindsay. I previously knew William Lindsay who collaborated with Mobo’s Sean Huber for Vicky Speedboat.

I don’t feel like a smartass today, but seriously this band is weird yet beautiful and cathartic in one place. They have elements of emo, indie-rock, post-rock and even neo-folk, mix it up and create some artsy ambience that parts of Foxing, Manchester Orchestra, and Owen, if that makes sense to you.

So, do the right thing, check Caracara debut album and help me out making feel better about my job here.

