Interview: minor dialogue

Published in
6 min readAug 6, 2017
minor dialogue

I am minor in everyone’s dialogue.

When I received an email from Pop Flesh Records about their new roster, I knew I would like to know more before I write about it. And I’m so glad I did it because it became my first interview article for this small-time blog. And also totally happy that Bagas, the dude behind minor dialogue, didn’t turn me down.

Anyway, Bagas Asfriansyah and his moniker minor dialogue just shared a new single called ‘alleviating’. It’s acoustic song with indie-rock flavor. But the way he delivers his vulnerable side in this track makes me thinking he is exciting talent. It captures such a griping mood and locking you up in his world.

So we had a chance to talk about his journey that led to the project, story behind the song, inspirations and some chit-chat to know him well.

Hello, how are doing?

Hey, hello! First off, oh, man, I got interviewed by Whyslackers. Such a pleasure for me, really. Anyway, I’m doing great now!

First things first, where did you learn to sing and play guitar? Do you play other instruments as well?

Well, I learnt guitar when I was, like, 11, probably? Yeah, I think it was. It was because of Slash of Guns N’ Roses, actually, haha. I saw him playing November Rain’s solo and it was, just, frickin’ life-changing; I learnt with my father’s guitar since then. For singing, though, initially, I really didn’t know how to sing, like, at all. But as the time went on, I got into, like, singer/songwriter stuff and I was “spurred” yet again to learn, this time, singing, and here I am. I’m not saying I’m good at it — or both — now, but at least I always try to get better. That’s what I always say to myself, haha. And I do not play other instrument, by the way — at least not yet. Well, I could play some bass, though, but… yeah. Haha.

How long you’ve been in a band? Is Eitherway your first band?

It is not, actually. Once we had this ~generic pop punk~ band back in 2012 when we were in high school, but it was merely a “play around” sort of thing due to the “immatureness” of ours. Now it’s gonna be otherwise for Eitherway., though!

How did you start this project? And where did name Minor Dialogue come from?

It was because of my ~EP~ called “for which i have always missed” on which I posted a few months ago and were my unused material for Eitherway. It was getting some pretty good responses from some colleagues of mine, then one of them asked me to play in some event. He asked for my name to be put on their promotional picture, but I thought it was, like, too plain using my own name for this. So I came up with some names, and minor dialogue (yes, it’s all in lower case) was chosen, since I’m an introv — well, actually, I don’t want to say that I’m an introvert, but I don’t really talk that much to people, since I’m kind of a shy dude since I was a kid; in fact, can get stuttered and trembled sometimes — though it’s been getting better now. So when I talk to people, I never, like, “enjoy a commanding situation” in every conversation I’m in. I never dominate. I’m, like, never important in it. So, I only talk necessarily; therefore, I feel, like, I am minor in everyone’s dialogue. Funny, eh? Haha.

What “Alleviating” is all about?

“alleviating” (yes, lowercased as well) is about my fear, and, uh, let’s say “uncontrollable emotions” of hopelessness that I feel I’ll be getting into sooner or later — or I’ve got, probably? Or I’m getting? I’m not even sure. Consequently, I made this — in case of my aloneness and my infirmity as I mentioned before. But then, there’s this “antidote” who’s been, directly and indirectly, giving me so much belief to be hopeful and more optimistic than I was once, but, then again, there’s also this weird, untrustworthy, thankless inner-self of mine that won’t let me to be hopeful and optimistic and is still forcing me to think about the past and keep telling me to act like I was once. So, there’s confusions and some self-trustability issue as well — but actually there’s so much going on still, but somehow, it’s all, just, inexpressible. I also intentionally entitled it “alleviating” to make it more ironical since it means “to make less severe pain” yet mine’s still not doing it anyhow, so, yeah. Haha.

There’s a lot of emotions in the song, what inspires you to write it?

I guess the right question is “…who inspires you…” because I did say “…antidote ~who~ has been…” didn’t I? So we all know now that the “antidote” is a person. Haha. Yeah, I specially made this for her. It’s, like, I really, really want her to know everything I feel toward her and also want her to keep on reminding me, somehow, to be hopeful and keep living my life, in a way, even though there’s this “nark” inside of me, at least I’ve got her to, uh, “keep on going”. Man, I hope she’d read this, hahaha, god damn this really is getting tacky, isn’t it.

Any particular bands/musicians you liked and somehow influenced your work?

In the making of this upcoming EP, I listened to Julien Baker, Aaron West, Gabrielle Aplin, and Slaughter Beach, Dog, like, a lot, to, like, boost me up. But, specifically, it’s always been Modern Baseball, though, haha, Bren Lukens and Jake Ewald in particular, who influence me for everything I’ve been making thus far. They’re, like, the most genuine and honest dudes and, ooh, man, I just love ’em so much.

I really love your artwork. Did you create it? What’s the story behind it?

Ooh, thank you! I did not, actually. It’s an amazing friend of mine named Farhan, also known as @anxsiety (Follow him up on Instagram, would y’all?) who made it. In truth, there’s no, like, exact meaning and/or story about it. He, just, sketched it and stuff, then my boss, Hilmo from Pop Flesh, told me that Farhan made it, then I was, like, amazed too haha because I didn’t tell nothing about any artwork before, then, voila, there it was. But I’ve told him about the artwork with a real concept for the EP, though. Ooh, and also some artwork for its bundle later on. So, keep yer eyes peeled!

What’s your next plan for Minor Dialogue?

Pop Flesh and I are going to open some pre-order thingy for the EP-bundle and stuff real soon, as well as now I’m starting writing more jibber-jabber yet again. And… I don’t know. Some music video,.maybe? Some touring? Fingers crossed, though. We’ll see, we’ll see. Haha.

What do you do aside playing some music?

I’ve been studying at this university in Malang. Am taking a recess now, staying in Tangerang, my home, coming in to Jakarta pretty often to walk, eat, have some tea, and see her hair wavin’ off.

Last shot, can you describe your feelings right now with some emojis?

I don’t use emojis that much, but, alright, here we go:
(So, it’s, like, “Thank you so much. Don’t forget to drink some liquid thingies, okay? LOL.”)

Thanks, mas Trian! 🙏🙏🙏

