Meet the Bloodthirsty Punk Sweeping Exits

Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2017
Photo credit: Dani Ransom

The fantasy journey along music inspired by David Bowie, Nick Cave, Pansy Division, The Cramps and The Adverts

Sweeping Exits are the queer horror punk from Portland who take the influence of 1970 glam rock and horror punk. The band treats the horror aspect as a mean of queer and femme empowerment. They’re hoping to bridge the gap between the G.L.O.S.S aggression and PWR BTTM bubblegum in their music.

The band recently announced debut album Glitter & Blood with a debut single ‘Miami Beach’. The single is really fun and straightforward and driving me so excited every time I listen to this.

Sweeping Exits said that the album is inspired by a 1975 comedy horror film The Rocky Horror Picture Show and 1977 Italian horror film Suspiria. The band added that Glitter & Blood tells a story of a rockstar vampire who becomes the queen of vampire and lead in destruction of human race.

Glitter & Blood is a mutated version of my life story. It reflects the queer experience as well as my personal ambitions, and allows the listener to disappear into a vampiric fantasy world,” revealed Mira Glitterhound in Upset magazine.

Sweeping Exits are fronted by Mira Glitterhound, (vocal), Myrrh Crow (vocal/keys), Shanley Narens (guitar), Nia Fae Loy (Bass) and Logan White (drum). Prior to this, they had EP The Projectionist which covered the band’s darker side and sounded more in early post-punk, Nick Cave and Bernard Herrmann’s film scoring.

