WiCDS’s Data Science and Machine Learning Blogathon

Unleash your inner writer

wicds team
3 min readNov 8, 2020


Women in Coding and Data Science is a collaborative community for women in tech to learn and grow. The aim is to help fellow women and under-represented groups in STEM to learn and grow together. Our vision is to help women in areas of STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) by giving them opportunities and avenues to shine and excel. One of the ways to enable this is by encouraging people to present their work to the community and what better way to do so than writing.

We are delighted to announce the launch of the WiCDS Blogathon, a competition that combines your writing prowess with your data science skills!

When does the Blogathon begin? 🗓

The blogathon will commence on 20th December 2020 and will conclude on 20th January 2021. We will announce the winners in each category on 25th January.

Topics to choose from🗒

You can choose to write on either of the following topics or similar to them:

How to participate?

To enter the competition, you need to fill in your details here. We will then add you as a writer to our Medium publication and you can start sending your drafts to us.

Prizes to be won

Along with recognition in front of a broad audience, we are giving away free data science books as prizes. We have partnered with Manning and Packt publications for the prizes. The following books are up for grabs and more will be added to the list soon:

Prizes will be given in the following 3 categories:

  • Most popular article: This will be decided by the number of unique fans the article gets. There will be a first, second, and third prize for this category.
  • Most read the article: The article with maximum views gets to win in this category. There will be a first, second, and third prize for this category.
  • Judges’ Award: This category will be judged by WiCDS’s judging panel. This is a single award category.

Judges Panel

Our Judges’ panel consists of people having wide experience in the Data Science domain and are a well-known name in the community.

  • Parul Pandey: Founder of WiCDS, Kaggle Grandmaster, Data Science evangelist.
  • Sanyam Bhutani: Kaggle Master, ML engineer, and AI content creator.Host of CTDS.show
  • Rohan Rao: Kaggle 4X Grandmaster and Data Scientist
  • Andrada Olteanu: Kaggle Master, Data Scientist at Endava and Z by HP & NVIDIA Data Science Global Ambassador.

Terms & Conditions

  • The content should be unique. Only the articles published on WiCDS’ Medium publication will be considered for the competition.
  • The submissions are already open and will close on 20th January, 2020, 23:59 IST (GMT + 5:30 hrs)
  • The decision of WiCDS would be final

So make use of this opportunity and present your work to the world. Just fill in your details here and start writing !!.

