No Burdens are your Own to Carry

Deogratias Modest
Wicked WordSmiths
Published in
5 min readDec 10, 2019

Life’s been fair and a cool breeze striking anyone lazing on the shore…

With worldly situations of good and bad, positive and negative, ups and downs, mountains and valleys, and any of the sort we still manage to go through forgetting not to be Grateful.

They are seasons, when one comes we get availed for the next before it arrives.

It all started this way, a page turning life experience…

Lentil was a wise man of the Santos. village who all villagers could run to in cases mostly of either mediation or soliciting for advice.

Every one in Santos envied the ethical conduct bestowed to all Lentils [family members of Lentil]

Funny as it can sound, most parents’ wishes were to hire Lentil for upbringing their new borns. Nonetheless, little did they know of that there’s never a single road leading to a good parental care/guidance. They could go down through the rivers and up through the countries, whichever way yet the destiny being realizing the Best Nurturing to their newborns.

Coming back to Lentil, it’s human nature to boast especially when we fail to contain the Praises and accolades of those around us, poor Lentil was lost in the praises and the seeds of Arrogance started to. germinate in him.

Those of us who’d been in Santos that time had much to bold on the self-assured hubris in Lentil just after discerning that all villagers came to him as though he was a well of water where everyone attended to fetch water. He was puffed up with conceit.

Nevertheless, Lentil kept seeing his house as All in All and didn’t stand a moment to talk to his neighbours for that was the custom before his boasting blinded him.

A tragedy stroke his family; and his daughters got afflicted and sick of Begè a local disease that invaded Santos and to high percentages attacked kids.

Be that as it may, he hardly knocked on any one. of his neighbour doors for support and thus he took the calamity his own, but on the other hand, all other kids in the village who contacted the disease recovered from it.

So Lentil’s daughters suffered to their last breath, only because Dad didn’t acknowledge that someone from his neighbourhood could not only heal them but by just Traditional medicines. What a Crap!

It was vivid that hadn’t it been the Yelling of his wife due to the fear of seeing the daughters dying then it was definite no other destiny would pass the lovely daughters than inevitably facing the beast in the eyes 👀

As villagers used to attend Lentil’s house for help so did the influx of people arrived in response to his wife’s biggest outcry 😪

They were all shocked, villagers had forgotten of Begè, perhaps they must had thanked their gods it safely departed from their village boundaries. Lo and behold the daughters were the only ones who the malady didn’t want to say goodbye for one and only one reason, Dad’s insolent-Arrogance.

The most looked-down village man healed the daughters, and he affirmed to have done this just for both the love of daughters and their humble Mother… dad was not mentioned in this… his ego had swollen big enough that he could take refuge in it… but villagers had this outburst that I’m certain carries the theme of this narration…

An old and very old man at Lentil’s house said this openly so that it could bear lessons to many who were present there…

“Lentil, I truly understand that no man is allowed to take charge in one’s own house but allow me to say a word to save the village…

In my younger years I grew up pointing all my respect to you Lentil, you were the reference point in our village for all things could never be defined without attaching your name in the definition be it Parenting, Charity, hard working and others…

You influenced my family, our village and it’s no wonder those of neighbouring towns Must had heard of the man so famed, LENTIL👨✈️

To cut short the story, I’m not set a Judge over anyone for heavens censor everything conducted under the Sun but my words, my experience from the long living are that,

‘ when the world has exalted you high above others, don’t get lost in the process rather stay humble.’

I was shocked to see all praises directed to Lentil uplifted him to stay high above others that’s why upon facing this calamity [Begè] he couldn’t come down to the people he had forgotten for centuries now… very absurd!

Adding to that, dear most to me Lentil, you’re to me as a Son and what I tell my Son I should heavily whisper it in your ears too…

Never forget wherever you go, going as far back as to the old adage, PROBLEMS SHARED ARE HALFWAY SOLVED.. mind you We Encounter Problems and we kneel in Prayers for Answers and Deliverance. Little did we know that All Answers and Solutions are either found within us or from the people around us. Challenges ain’t yours to store my son Lentil!

I recite this Bible extract that you may all carry it on your way home… [It was read again and again to echo in the ears of all who were present]

Galatians 6:2–5 [RSV]

2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. 3 For if any one thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4 But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. 5 For each man will have to bear his own load.

The last verse tries to emphatically profess that each one will be responsible for their own conduct in whatever ways.

Thanks for your all attention,

Lentil my son, am Still Proud of U, Do Us big wonders you’re still chanced to rehabilitate anywhere things weren’t in order… reroute 🙅🏾

I’m Proud of the Daughters and their Mother, they are why We are all gathered at your house this time, we shall forever cherish the love we’ve seen emanating. from you.

Thanks all, Let’s Be One, Grow as One for My time is soon to pass out but I’ll be Happy to leave behind a very United Santos Village.”

There was no further talking, only to find Lentil visiting his neighbours on the following day, the ice melted!

Edited by @mkwawa



Deogratias Modest
Wicked WordSmiths

A Passionate and Conversant Reader; student in AI and ML; DATAscientist; Telecoms Engineer