5G VS Decentralised Internet Access: What Does Internet Access For Everyone Mean?

Olamobisi Fagoyinbo
Published in
4 min readSep 22, 2022

First, cell phones let us communicate with each other over a wireless connection. This evolved into sending text messages and the advent of wireless internet connection and the smartphone. Each generation of smartphones has come with new advancements, boasting features like crystal clear display, recording video over wireless networks, voice or text-controlled smart homes and now Decentralised Internet Access (internet access for everyone, everywhere, at every time).

The most recent innovation in the world of internet connectivity is the Fifth-Generation (5G) network standard for broadband and cellular networks. Improving speed and reducing inactivity, the 5G network promises to be the bridge that allows connectivity up to 200x faster than the Fourth-Generation (4G) network and enables application features we are still yet to fathom. Clearer voice and video calls and faster, smoother streaming are just a snippet of the fantastic things that come with 5G.

The blockchain will benefit from the 5G network as it might be the solution to true decentralisation, with faster internet speed and better opportunities for innovation. While, theoretically, the blockchain still stands as a decentralised network, essential network control still heavily relies on centralised architecture to maintain control. But this is not the focus of this article.

The key focus of this article is the moral responsibility and obligation tied to open source networks and ensuring global internet access for all people. This is regardless of their location, financial status or level of societal development.

In most underdeveloped or developing nations, internet access can be an expensive and hard-to-acquire basic service. This contradicts the idea that the world is a global village and all people should have access to information irrespective of location. Most people either don’t have the financial capacity to access internet service or the connectivity required to carry out their browsing needs effectively.

So while 5G is a game changer that opens doors to even more seemingly impossible products and services, a key focus should also be placed on ensuring that the current network provided reaches all people, in all places, at all times, at an affordable fee.

Wicrypt’s decentralised internet access network allows access to a fast internet connection at an affordable rate. This is done in the following ways:

  1. Data Sharing and Reselling. Wicrypt’s “Share To Earn” Model.

On the Wicrypt network, hub owners can allocate internet access per data consumption or browsing time. As a hub owner, I can sell or allocate data to a user for a specific time duration or allocate data to a user at a pay-as-you-browse rate — putting the power back in the hands of the people and ensuring that no one company has complete control over people’s browsing experience.

2. Lower Data Purchase Rates.

With Wicrypt, hub owners can dictate their rate, making it easier for users to purchase data at a reduced rate. For instance, If a hub owner buys an unlimited data bundle from their ISP at a rate of $50 monthly, they can resell per gigabyte or time at a much lower rate to users and make passive income. The upside to this is that the hub owners make some extra cash on the sale, yet the user does not pay as high as they would if they were to buy directly from the ISP. This works because ISPs usually set their charges in an upward slide. The larger the data bundle purchased, the cheaper the cost, making it more expensive to buy lower bundles, which is the likelihood for low-income earners.

3. Global Sim Compatibility.

The Wicrypt Hotspot Devices have been tested and certified to be compatible with sim cards worldwide to ensure users can use the device anywhere.

4. ISP Network Connectivity Insight.

Wicrypt has built an explorer page that allows you to see a global map of all hub owners and a map of all ISPs the hubs are connected to, their internet speed, and stability. This means hub owners can make an informed decision on what internet service to purchase, and users can decide what hubs to connect to for a smoother and faster browsing experience.

5. Compensation for Internet Access.

Wicrypt has a cryptocurrency called the Wicrypt Network Token ($WNT). Hub owners can mine $WNT anytime a user accesses the internet using the hub owners’ hotspot. Users also mine $WNT anytime they access the internet using the hub owners’ hotspot, serving as a reward for connectivity.

In essence, 5G is a gateway to the future of internet connectivity and an impressive innovation for those who already have internet access. However, a more progressive focus should be on harnessing its powers to provide universal decentralised internet access for everyone.



Olamobisi Fagoyinbo
Editor for

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