How SpaceX’s Starlink Benefits Wicrypt

Aronu Ugochukwu
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2021

You may have heard recently about SpaceX (yes, Elon Musk’s company) launching 48 Starlink satellites into space. According to SpaceX, what these satellites will do is bring expansion of broadband internet service to rural and remote areas. Sounds a bit familiar, right?

We actually commend SpaceX on this mission, as the goal to bring internet service to rural and remote areas is the same as Wicrypt. However, there are three key terms that are missing from SpaceX’s Starlink initiative. Those terms are “affordability”, “monetization”, and “empowerment”. Wicrypt allows anyone to make money off of sharing their WiFi, as well as provide less expensive internet than what else is offered on the market.

SpaceX has a lofty goal to send 42,000 satellite constellations to low orbital earth (LEO) by 2027, which if achieved can connect all the globe including those in locations hard to connect by existing broadband internet providers, mainly those in rural and remote areas — Nigeria and Africa included.

Currently, Starlink has successfully launched about 1,650 — including the 48 last Thursday — with a beta test in some parts of America where people can use the receiver satellite dish, install and connect to high-speed, and low latency broadband internet.

But with the cost of each Starlink receiver dish going at a cost of $500, with an additional monthly subscription cost of $100, can people from developing countries like in Africa afford the cost? Not likely.

How Can Wicrypt Work With Starlink?

Starlink uses satellite technology to ensure that the internet gets to remote areas. The only hindrance is that the cost of setup is quite high. A single Starlink device can be connected to a Wicrypt device (what we call a Wicrypt Hotspot Creator — or easily installed on someone’s phone — or group of Wicrypt devices to help with distribution and billing in rural areas.

A small business, an individual, or group of individuals can set up a Starlink satellite, connect it to a Wicrypt device and then connect a range extender (for very long range coverage) to cover over 1km radius!

Why A Wicrypt Device Is Important In This Design

1. It will help the business owner or individual who set it up make back the money they spent by creating a customized billing system which does not exist on Starlink.

2. It will help the business owner or individual make extra revenue by mining $WNT, Wicrypt’s native token, which happens automatically 24/7 through a Wicrypt Hotspot Creator

3. The Wicrypt OS is highly flexible and can be installed on a single piece of hardware that can power over 1,000 community members, while Starlink only acts as an internet source. Currently the Starlink routers are designed to handle only a few connecting clients.

These points do not only apply to rural areas, but also in Urban areas of developing countries as well. For example, an individual in Nigeria can buy a Starlink, use Wicrypt devices to distribute internet to his entire estate or street and bill them using this device as well as mine $WNT while doing this.

So, we do not view Starlink as a competitor, rather a potential business partner that shares the same goals that we do!

In fact, a partnership between Starlink and Wicrypt would be a match made in heaven. Who knows? As we grow, that’s something we can explore sooner, rather than later.

Ugochukwu Aronu
CEO of Wicrypt



Aronu Ugochukwu

I want to know how things work under the hood. ~First Principles