The Five W’s Of Wicrypt (Who, What, When, Where And Why)

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3 min readJul 15, 2021

Through the ages, problems have always been the precursors to innovation. For more than 40% of the world’s population, they are without internet access. This is the problem Wicrypt is addressing, while at the same time allowing people to earn extra income automatically.

Who is Wicrypt?

Wicrypt is you, me, everyone. We — us — power WiFi in our neighborhoods, our businesses, our parks, our airports, our schools, and beyond. Wicrypt empowers all of us to run our own WiFi hotspots and the best part is you make extra money on the side doing virtually nothing!

Airbnb blazed the trail with its home-sharing platform in 2008. Uber quickly followed through with ride-sharing in 2009. Wicrypt has pioneered Wi-Fi sharing.

The Blockchain startup won seed funding of about 2 million Naira from the National Communications Commission in Africa in 2019. Wicrypt has created a smart Wi-Fi network infrastructure that runs on a decentralized network of micro-nodes, giving anyone the power to act as a micro internet service provider.

What does Wicrypt do?

The Wicrypt protocol, built by the team, allows anyone to share their WiFi with others and get paid for doing so. The first-of-its-kind, Wicrypt has multi-platform functionality, a custom Operating System (OS), a Software Development Kit (SDK), and an Application Programming Interface (API) — all of which you don’t really need to know about to start earning passive income without doing anything!

What that means to you is that it allows for affordability, decentralization of the network, and easy integration with different service providers. The platform welcomes third-party developers interested in creating mobile connectivity apps to build on.

For you, as a “host”, all you need is internet connectivity. You can use any connected device — a router, Mi-Fi, your cell phone, or purchase a pre-configured Wicrypt mobile device — that can provide a connection for as many people as possible.

When did Wicrypt begin?

The concept originated from Ugochukwu Aronu, the CEO of Wicrypt, in early 2018. Just like any normal day in the life of a software developer, he was building software with his colleagues at the office and his internet service provider (ISP) lost signal. As a software engineer, not being connected to the internet — even for a minute — feels like you have been chained. So he quickly reached out to his colleagues to share their hotspot so he could continue his work, but they refused. Doing this would’ve consumed large amounts of internet data, and internet data is very expensive in Africa.

They said they could not quantify the amount of data he would use — which would’ve allowed them to charge him (no technology supported this at the time) — so they declined his request. That was when Ugo conceived the idea to create a system that would enable people to share their WiFi and get paid in real-time.

Where is Wicrypt?

Like we said before, Wicrypt is everywhere. Wicrypt is wherever you choose to run a hotspot. It is the “last mile”, if you will, in bringing internet to the remaining parts of the world that internet service providers have deemed, “not lucrative enough.” As for Wicrypt-the-headquarters, the company is based in Enugu, Nigeria, with an international team located in San Francisco, Turkey, and China.

Why Wicrypt?

Our technology significantly reduces WiFi and data costs by allowing many people to make bulk purchases. This data can then be shared and money made for everyday people while doing other things at home, at work, or sleeping! From your mobile device, your router, or using a Wicrypt device, our product simply runs in the background. You don’t have to do anything! Users can login and use what they need — paying only for what they use — while you get paid automatically.

Bottom line

We hope that this quick brief on the 5 W’s of Wicrypt gives you an easy-to-read background on who we are. You’re going to want to follow our Twitter, join our Telegram, or subscribe to our newsletter to get more updates, which are coming soon! And we’ve got some big announcements…

The Wicrypt Team



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The Smart WiFi Network Powered By You. Easily create your own hotspot network and get paid!