Here Is How TO Make Money Using Other Internet Service Providers With Wicrypt

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1 min readJul 27, 2020

Wicrypt is a service that allows its users to make money while sharing their mobile internet data.

We can say that Wicrypt is a tool that makes everyone a data reseller that can provide internet in his/her environment or in multiple environments at the same time.

Wicrypt is able to do this because of its proprietary hardware and software infrastructure.

For Wicrypt to share your internet, you have to provide internet connection on your Wicrypt-enabled router either by using a sim card or using an external internet source like a router from an existing Internet service provider in your country like Glo, MTN, Airtel, Smile, Verizon, Vodafone, etc.

Wicrypt works with any internet service provider anywhere.

Without an internet source from an existing internet service, your Wicrypt-enabled router will not be able to share internet data.

Stay connected, data is life.



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