Wicrypt $WNT Tokenomics — Powering the Decentralized Mobile Internet Sharing & Monetization Network

Ayush Sharma
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2021

A decentralized mobile internet sharing and monetization network, Wicrypt gives users the power to control their own mobile internet data. Wicrypt is ISP agnostic and location agnostic. The Wicrypt protocol is a protocol that enables end-to-end encryption of user data, bills the user for the amount of data consumed, and credits the host. The Wicrypt protocol also creates a decentralized storage network making use of devices as micro nodes.

What started as a decentralized internet solution to empower users in rural and urban areas, Wicrypt today has been successful in garnering the trust and support from numerous community members, government organizations, leading investors, and many other top projects in the industry. Our community is ever-expanding and has reached 65,000+ followers on Twitter and 24,000+ members on Telegram already, and this is just the beginning! Our Funding Round was also a great success where Wicrypt raised a strategic $1.5 million from the industry’s top investors, as the company was profitable before the raise.

Wicrypt, launched in 2018, has acquired over 15,000 users to date. It has its mobile app on Google Playstore and iOS app store.

Today we are here to provide with you all the details of $WNT Tokenomics. WNT means Wicrypt Network Tokens. This is the native cryptocurrency that powers the Wicrypt ecosystem.

Wicrypt Network Tokenomics:

Ticker: WNT

Type of Token: Utility token

Total Supply: 200,000,000 WNT

WNT Price (USD) Public Sale: $0.20

Initial Market Cap: ~$1.6 Million

Allocation of 200,000,000 WNT tokens:

WNT Token Vesting Schedule:

  • Initial Dex Offering: 2,800,000 WNT tokens are allocated for IDO at 0.20$ per WNT token, which will unlock linearly over 2 months.
  • Device Holders Offerings: 20,000,000 WNT tokens are allocated for Device Holders Offering. 2 months cliff, the remaining linearly over 22 months.
  • Advisors: 8,000,000 WNT tokens are allocated for Advisors. 1 month cliff, then in 2nd month 20% will be released and the remaining linearly over 8 months.
  • User Rewards: 10,000,000 WNT tokens are allocated for User Rewards which will be released in 60 months with yearly halving.
  • Host Rewards: 40,000,000 WNT tokens are allocated for Host Rewards which will be released in 60 months with yearly halving.
  • Team: 40,000,000 WNT tokens are allocated for Team. 12 months cliff, the remaining linearly over 24 months.
  • Outlier-Incubation: 12,000,000 WNT tokens are allocated for Outlier-Incubation. 6 months cliff, the remaining linearly over 24 months.
  • Reserves: 8,000,000 WNT tokens are allocated for Reserves which will be released linearly over 36 months.
  • Marketing: 15,000,000 WNT tokens are allocated for Marketing which will be released linearly over 36 months.
  • Token Liquidity: 10,000,000 WNT tokens are allocated for Token Liquidity which will be released linearly over 36 months.
  • Strategic Partnerships: 15,000,000 WNT tokens are allocated for Strategic Partnerships which will be released linearly over 36 months.

WNT token utilities:

  • Governance: $WNT holders can perform actions to govern the entire Wicrypt network. Governable parameters will include, but will not be limited to:

1. Bandwidth amount to be shared by the host to earn $WNT.
2. Bandwidth amount to be consumed by the client to earn $WNT.
3. Maximum billing rate a host can set.
4. Minimum uptime a host’s hotspot will have in order to earn $WNT.

  • Staking: Hosts will stake $WNT to join the Wicrypt network and act as hosts. Hosts need to stake $WNT to disincentivize them from malicious behavior by requiring them to have skin in the game.

- Hosts will lose staked amounts if the hosts carry out malicious activities.

- The hosts also earn rewards in $WNT when they have met certain conditions while providing bandwidth to connected clients.

There are two types of Wi-Fi hosts in the Wicrypt network:

- $WNT reward earning hosts.
- Non-$WNT reward earning hosts.

  • Staking Rewards: $WNT is used to reward the hosts that provide active hotspots with high uptime and have shared a specific amount of bandwidth. 20% of overall network tokens will be allocated for the $WNT reward for hosts. Clients get incentivized with $WNT when they connect to multiple hosts for a specified period of time and have consumed a specific amount of bandwidth. 5% of overall network tokens will be allocated for client rewards.

Stay tuned for the limited Wicrypt Device and rare NFT sale! Join the waitlist now on nft.wicrypt.com. Those on the waitlist get first priority!

To get started: visit wicrypt.com today!

About Wicrypt Network

Wicrypt is a decentralized mobile internet sharing and monetization network, allowing anyone to get paid for sharing their WiFi. Wicrypt is the first African company to build a peer-to-peer infrastructure for sharing mobile internet data without the need for third-party integration. WiFi can be shared via Wicrypt’s custom, affordable Hotspot Creator or mobile devices, while providers can tailor unique experiences, including surveys and ads, while collecting customer data. An already profitable company, Wicrypt has an exclusive partnership with the city of Enugu, Nigeria, to provide last-mile internet service to its citizens.

Wicrypt has an international team with experience working for some of Africa’s largest employers, including KPMG, Chevron, Accenture, Nielsen, and MTN Group, and is headquartered in Enugu, Nigeria.

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