My Go-To Pronunciation Lesson

Kristen Granieri
Wide Island View
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2019
Me IRL before teaching this lesson…

Pronunciation lessons can be really intimidating for both teachers and students. I’ve always been nervous to make students feel bad about their pronunciation skills because it’s hard enough to get them to try to talk! However, I was inspired after the Skills Development Conference a couple weeks ago and decided to create an awesome pronunciation lesson that could be shared amongst us Hiroshima ALTs, and anywhere else really.

I’ve always been nervous to make students feel bad about their pronunciation skills because it’s hard enough to get them to try to talk!

This lesson works in three separate parts and uses a lot of visuals to really help the students relax and also be able to fully grasp the concepts introduced. Try to get through the first part quickly! This isn’t a lecture. The most important thing is that students practice on their own. With that being said, here is the agenda for the lesson:

  1. Pronunciation Practice: Explain the target sounds to students.
  2. Pyramid Game: Practice speaking and listening together.
  3. Bingo: Practice listening in the following class through a game of Bingo!

I chose to introduce three different sounds:

F — H

S — TH

L — R

Click here to view the presentation!

In the Google Slides comments, you can read each step that I recommend for the lesson. You can also copy the slides to your own Google Drive and change things around. I created the lesson to help my students with their upcoming recitation contest, so that is included in one slide. Change it as you wish!

To do this lesson, it’s imperative that you fully understand the ways in which each sound is created and how to act that out to students. You cannot be afraid to look silly, because when exaggerating these sounds, it feels pretty freaking weird. But as long as you’re having fun, your students will as well.

To do this lesson, it’s imperative that you fully understand the ways in which each sound is created and how to act that out to students.

If you have any questions about this lesson, feel free to reach out to me. Also if you use it, let me know as well! Hope you’re all having a great final semester!



Kristen Granieri
Wide Island View

I’m a designer and developer with a penchant for good UX. I enjoy vegan junk food & long days of uninterrupted gaming.