Hello Widergy, Hello Future

Gus Casaforte
Widergy Innovation for Utilities
1 min readDec 8, 2017

The utilities industry is going through a unique process of innovation and evolution. Renewables, IoT and Electric Vehicles, among others, are dramatically changing the way we manage and interact with energy. This revolution comes along with new products and services, competition from outsiders, significant regulatory changes and a savvier and more demanding consumer. These are challenges the Utilities had never faced in more than a hundred years.

We created Widergy to partner with Utilities in their transformation journey towards the Utility of the Future, by bringing to life high value technology solutions.

This blog aims to be a source of ideas, industry trends and cutting edge technologies.

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Gus Casaforte
Widergy Innovation for Utilities

Founder and CEO @Widergy. Driven to be part of the utilities industry revolution.