#InsurHack — Zurich Hackathon 2016

30 teams, more than 130 participants, 48 hours of creativity, coding and hacking



Besides trying to validate a new technological platform, which will be launched in 2017, Zurich is first and foremost looking for new, creative, brilliant ideas breaking the boundaries of the traditional insurance mold. The #InsurHack enables Zurich to make an early beta release of the new platform available to an audience consisting of experts and innovative thinkers, gathering valuable feedback. With this approach Zurich follows in the footsteps of other global players in the Consumer Market and even becomes a pioneer in the insurance sector.

Widgetlabs covered the Hackathon from the technical side and made sure everything was running smoothly. These are our main learnings from the event:

  • Advance: Positive if venue is already used for similar or large events
  • Make no assumptions, always get an experts opinion
  • Develop concrete use cases with experts (who will do what at the event) and simulate them
  • On-site inspection, if possible with experts, otherwise request a floor/room plan
  • Make sure your Wifi & network can handle the traffic
  • Technical support on site, 24/7 is mandatory
  • prepare your staff for the situation
  • hold spare hardware

If you’re planning a Hackathon contact us and we can help you with even tips and insights.

