You can now Pre-Order Apps in the App Store

The Appstore has been extended with the possibility to pre-order apps and download them automatically after they get published.

Dennis Kiewning
2 min readDec 15, 2017


New Opportunities for Developers

Apple now offers developers the opportunity to place an app on the App Store 90 days before its actual release, instead of just publishing it when it’s ready to launch. As soon as the app is available, it will automatically get installed on the pre-orderers devices within 24 hours. The new pre-order option is available to all new apps from all categories that are not already on the App Store, including iOS, tvOS and macOS.

Google did it before — but its not the same

Google has been offering its customers a similar feature for some years now, where customers can pre-register for an app release. However, its not the same as pre-ordering an app on the Appstore. The difference with google is that the app is not automatically downloaded to the user’s device, a user will only get a notification when their pre-registered app becomes available.

The Feature is useful for both Developers and Customers

For developers, pre-ordering an app provides a new marketing tool to promote products early on, even before they are available. Developers can offer both free and paid pre-orders. A further advantage for the customer is that if the price changes during the pre-order, he will always receive the lower amount on his invoice. A pre-order therefore does not entail any risks for the customer, but rather leads to discounts when buying an app early on.

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