Harnessing the Potential of Big Data: Integrating Google BigQuery with Nest.js for Advanced Analytics

Saunak Surani
Widle Studio LLP
Published in
4 min readAug 24, 2023

In today's data-driven landscape, the ability to efficiently manage and analyze large datasets is crucial for making informed decisions. Google BigQuery offers a powerful solution for data warehousing and analytics, and when integrated with Nest.js, it opens doors to advanced analytics capabilities. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through setting up a Nest.js application that seamlessly interacts with Google BigQuery, enabling robust CRUD operations and unleashing the power of big data analytics.

Section 1: Understanding Google BigQuery and Its Benefits

Google BigQuery is a cloud-based data warehousing and SQL-like query service designed for processing and analyzing enormous datasets. It's known for its scalability, speed, and cost-efficiency. With BigQuery, developers can perform complex analytics without the hassle of managing infrastructure. Key advantages include:

Scalability: BigQuery handles vast amounts of data with ease, making it suitable for projects of all sizes.

Speed: Query execution is lightning-fast, even for complex analytical queries.

Cost-Efficiency: You pay only for the data processed, without any upfront costs.

Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other Google Cloud services for a comprehensive solution.

Real-Time Analysis: Supports real-time data streaming and analysis for up-to-the-minute insights.

Security: Provides robust data encryption and access controls for safeguarding sensitive information.

Section 2: Setting Up a Nest.js Application

To embark on our journey, let's set up a basic Nest.js application. Make sure you have Node.js and the Nest CLI installed:

npm install -g @nestjs/cli

Create a new Nest.js project:

nest new nest-bigquery-app

Navigate to the project directory:

cd nest-bigquery-app

Section 3: Configuring Google Cloud Platform and Enabling BigQuery

To utilize BigQuery, you need a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account. Create a new project on GCP and enable the BigQuery API. Generate a JSON key file for authentication and securely store it within your project.

Section 4: Establishing a BigQuery Connection in Nest.js

First, install the @google-cloud/bigquery npm package to enable interaction with BigQuery:

npm install @google-cloud/bigquery

Now, create a bigquery.service.ts file within your Nest.js project:

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { BigQuery } from '@google-cloud/bigquery';

export class BigQueryService {
private readonly bigquery = new BigQuery({
keyFilename: 'path-to-your-key-file.json',
projectId: 'your-project-id',

async runQuery(query: string) {
const options = {
location: 'US',
const [rows] = await this.bigquery.query(options);
return rows;

Section 5: Implementing CRUD Operations with BigQuery

To demonstrate the power of BigQuery within Nest.js, let's implement CRUD operations using a sample entity, "Books":

Create Operation:

async createBook(bookData: any): Promise<any> {
const query = `
INSERT INTO \`your-dataset.books\`
(title, author, published_year)
('${bookData.title}', '${bookData.author}', ${bookData.published_year})
return this.bigquery.query(query);

Read Operation:

async getBooks(): Promise<any[]> {
const query = `
FROM \`your-dataset.books\`
return this.runQuery(query);

Update Operation:

async updateBook(id: number, bookData: any): Promise<any> {
const query = `
UPDATE \`your-dataset.books\`
SET title = '${bookData.title}',
author = '${bookData.author}',
published_year = ${bookData.published_year}
WHERE id = ${id}
return this.bigquery.query(query);

Delete Operation:

async deleteBook(id: number): Promise<any> {
const query = `
DELETE FROM \`your-dataset.books\`
WHERE id = ${id}
return this.bigquery.query(query);

These examples showcase how seamlessly BigQuery integrates into Nest.js for powerful CRUD operations.

Section 6: Performing Advanced Data Analytics with BigQuery

Beyond CRUD, BigQuery excels in advanced data analytics. It supports complex aggregations, filtering, and joining of datasets using SQL-like queries. Here's an example of calculating the average price of books published each year:

const query = `
SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM publish_date) AS year,
AVG(price) AS avg_price
FROM \`your-dataset.books\`
const result = await this.runQuery(query);

Section 7: Ensuring Data Security and Authentication

Data security is paramount when dealing with sensitive information. Use the JSON key file obtained from GCP for authentication. Implement role-based access controls to ensure authorized access to data.

Section 8: Handling Errors and Optimizing Performance

Robust error handling is essential for maintaining application reliability. Utilize Nest.js exception filters and interceptors to gracefully manage errors during CRUD operations. Optimize performance by leveraging BigQuery's query caching and data partitioning features.

Section 9: Deploying the Nest.js Application with BigQuery Integration

Deploy your Nest.js application to a cloud platform of your choice, ensuring that environment variables and authentication mechanisms are securely configured. This step guarantees seamless access to BigQuery in a production environment.

Section 10: Conclusion: Unleashing the Power of Big Data in Your Nest.js Application

By seamlessly integrating Google BigQuery with Nest.js, you've empowered your application with the capabilities to handle and analyze massive datasets. From basic CRUD operations to advanced analytics, BigQuery offers unparalleled insights. Whether it's real-time data analysis, business intelligence, or informed decision-making, the synergy between Nest.js and BigQuery lays the foundation for innovative applications.

Ready to elevate your application’s data capabilities with Google BigQuery and Nest.js? Partner with us to harness the power of advanced analytics, seamless CRUD operations, and real-time insights. Reach out to info@widle.studio and embark on a journey of data-driven innovation today.



Saunak Surani
Widle Studio LLP

Passionate about technology, design, startups, and personal development. Bringing ideas to life at https://widle.studio