WIDOWer Chapter 15

Veronica Pollard
Published in
14 min readJan 17, 2022


Julie falls asleep less than an hour into their trip and stays asleep the entire ride. Warren calls Senior to confirm they’d received his gifts and surprisingly enough, they had changed their plans and were on their way to the airport, headed to Carolina to visit his great aunt Betty.

Meanwhile, Bria sat silently in the passenger seat agonizing over the many ways Sue’s plan could so easily backfire on her and worried how Jacob would react to what had really transpired. With over fifteen years of friendship hanging in the balance, she racked her brain trying to find a solution that all parties could live with. Because at the moment she couldn’t picture a world where she’d ever apologize to Jacob, unless of course it was a message strapped to an explosive.

Bria smiles to herself as the thought crosses her mind.

It’s a quarter till eight when they arrive at the Smith’s riverside estate. The house now elegantly decorated with Christmas lights and garland wrapped loosely around the columns, even the wreath hanging on the door is lit up.

“Wow!” Warren breathes as he turns off the ignition

“Yeah, you have no idea what you’ve signed up for.” Bria responds shaking her head

“I’m not much into the holidays but my mom lives for a reason to decorate and throw a party!”

Julie wakes up with ease, pleased with all the Christmas decorations and cheer the house seems to offer from the outside.

Inside they get reacquainted and introduce Julie to Grace, Ed, Zander, and Iris.

“Settle in and make yourselves at home.” Grace states

“The Christmas boat parade will be starting in about twenty minutes” she adds

“A boat parade!” Julie whispers

“Yes, there will be a ton of lights, it’s amazing! Would you like to help me grab some snacks and set up out back, we’ve got front row seats” Grace responds all too excited

“Yes please!” she replies

Grace takes her hand and leads the way to the kitchen.

Zander helps Warren grab their bags from the car and when Bria is left alone with Ed, she goes into her room and stays in the bathroom until Warren comes back inside. Knowing that with everything going on, the last thing she needs is to be interrogated by her father.

Zander leaves Warren and Bria alone when she walks out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him she says

“Coming here was your idea, so you cannot leave me alone with my father.”

“I don’t need another incident like with this pregnancy”

“Ok” Warren responds

“Your dad is really easy to talk to though”

Lowering her voice, Bria whispers

“The me you knew a month ago is the me my family knows. I intend for things to stay that way”

“I did not come here to talk through anything, so you cannot leave me alone with him and you have to be a buffer when he tries to get me to open up” she adds eyeing him for a response

“Ok. But I make no promises, I’ll do what I can” Warren smirks

Recognizing the dirty look in his eye, Bria rolls her eyes and turns to leave the room, but Warren sits down on the bed and pulls her into his lap.

“Think positive” he whispers nibbling her ear

Turning to meet his gaze, Bria gives him a long slow seductive kiss then pulling away, she whispers

“You do enough of that for the both of us”

Standing up she grabs his hand, pulling him to his feet. Once he pulls her into his arms again, their eyes meet, and they are drawn in by each other’s gaze. Just as their lips meet the door swings open, and Julie says

“Ew, I knew it!”

“What happened to knocking?” Warren asks with a raised eyebrow

“I’m sorry, but you guys are gonna miss the parade!”

“No, we’re coming!” Bria smiles taking her hand, following her out of the room and into the back yard

Doug is sitting at the VIP table overlooking the entrance with Marcus, his girlfriend Brooke, Theo, his date, and Lexi but for the fourth time tonight he spots a young lady with a slight resemblance to Jennifer and once again he is uncharacteristically disappointed.

They are enjoying a front row seat of the entrance, allowing them a perfect view of all the creatively sexy Christmas sweater dresses that the ladies are wearing to celebrate the Christmas Eve Eve bash in hopes of winning the $500 cash prize for the sexiest dress contest.

Lexi is sitting next to him talking about something, he has completely no idea what. A sports center notification gives him the perfect opportunity to glance at his phone and he uses it as an excuse to get away.

“I gotta go check on something, I’ll be right back.” he states after glancing at his phone

Leaving the table, Doug heads to the back. After wasting several minutes in his office, he goes into the bathroom then after washing his face, in an attempt to clear his mind, he stares at his self in the mirror, warring within himself over what he was about to do.

“I’m sorry, I gotta take off” Doug whispers in Lexi’s ear, once he gets back to the table

“I can drop you off if you want” he adds when she narrows her eyes at him

“Is everything ok?” she asks

“You’ve been acting weird” she adds gently placing her hand on his thigh

Searching her eyes, he tries to muster up the desire he once had for a casual hook up

“I um…” he begins, failing miserably he says

“It’s been a crazy week” clearing his throat he asks

“Did you want me to drop you off?”

“Did you want to take me home?” she responds easing her hand further up his leg

“I…” he begins

“I’m good D, have a good night” she mutters giving him a quick kiss on the cheek

“You too” he replies standing up from the table

“I’ll catch y’all later. Next rounds on the house!” he adds then leaves through the front door subconsciously hoping to run into Jennifer

Friday morning is Christmas eve, Grace and Iris are up early making a huge breakfast spread, several different pastries, sausage, bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles, and breakfast quiche. So many choices to pick from, by the time Ivy and Luke arrives the food barely looks like it’s been touched.

Over breakfast Grace reminds every one of the annual Christmas party tonight at seven.

“My niece Wanda has a daughter I think she six. They will be here this afternoon, so you’ll have someone to play with” Grace tells Julie

“Why didn’t you mention the party when you called me?” Bria asks

“So, you could find a reason not to come. It’s an annual event Nee!” Grace responds with a raised eyebrow then stands to leave the table

“Iris and I are going out to the store and Rodger will be by to start setting up around noon” she states

“Ma, I’m going to a hotel. I’m not interested…” Bria begins but Warren nudges her leg under the table just as Grace turns to glare at her

“I’m glad you’re here and I look forward to your presence at the party tonight!” she states through gritted teeth, remembering Julie is at the table

Without another word, Bria gets up from the table and goes back to her room. Grace just scoffs and continues gathering her things when Warren follows behind her

“If you’re not busy I’d love for you to help me, make cookies later” Grace tells Julie

“What kind of cookies?” she asks

“Christmas cookies, it’s sugar cookie dough and we can make them whatever shapes we want”

“Like Christmas trees, candy canes and snowmen”

“What about a gingerbread man?” she asks

“Even a gingerbread man!” Grace smiles

Warren walks in the room then locks the door behind him. Remaining silent, he sits down on the bed and waits for Bria to explain. After a while when she doesn’t say anything, he says

“A hotel?”


Turning to look at him, she mutters

“Yeah, really!”

“Explain!” he responds

After a long silence Bria answers

“Jaylen proposed to me at…”

“At your mom’s annual Christmas party” Warren mutters finishing her sentence

“Yes, and I haven’t been to one since.”

“Needless to say, I’m not interested in reliving that moment” she replies

Wrapping her in his arms Warren says

“That memory will haunt you until you make new memories, that may in some way offset or maybe compensate for that one”

“Jaylen isn’t here and not attending the party won’t hurt him.” he adds

When Bria pulls away and peers up at him, he continues

“But it will hurt Grace and the rest of your family, who love you!”

“Guess that means you’re not taking me to that hotel” Bria smirks after a beat

“Not a chance!” he smiles then giving her a quick kiss, they’re interrupted by a knock on the bedroom door

“Yes Julie!” Warren states opening the door

With a big bright smile, she asks

“Did you have gifts delivered for Mr. and Mrs. Smith?”

Bria looks at him, suddenly intrigued by the question

“I um…” he responds looking between the two of them

Stopping to look at Bria, he says

“In my defense, I didn’t know that we were going to be here when I ordered them”

“What in the world did you buy them?” Bria asks leaving the room in search of Grace and Ed

Grace is carrying an enormous gift basket filled with different varieties of K-cups, chocolates, and gift cards into the kitchen. Bria walks in and sits back down at the table watching Grace comb through her basket then says

“Way to suck up Mr. Daniels!”

Turning her attention to Warren, Grace says

“This card says that this is from the three of you, but I know my daughter had nothing to do with this. Thank you so much Julie and Warren, I appreciate each and every item!”

“You are very welcome, and we appreciate your hospitality!”

“The pleasure is all mine” Grace states gathering her basket and tucking it in a corner

“I have to run, or we won’t have time to bake” she adds winking at Julie

“Where’s dad?” Bria asks

But before Grace can answer, Ed walks into the kitchen with a golf club in hand.

“I’m taking off honey. I’ll be back in a little while” she states giving Ed a quick kiss


“Dad where’s your gift basket?” Bria asks sarcastically

“What gift basket?” he asks turning to look at Warren

“Don’t pay her any mind” Warren responds

“You know I can’t accept these” Ed states

“Of course, you can!” he replies as they turn to walk towards the back porch

Curious what they’re referring to, Bria follows them

“What did your daddy get my daddy?” she asks smiling at Julie

“I don’t know, let’s go see!”

Standing at the back door, they watch as Warren, Ed, and Zander talk enthusiastically over what looks to be golf clubs.

“Aren’t those just golf clubs?” Bria asks

“Nee, these are the Sublime series clubs, they are top of the line” Zander states

“The best materials and specs…” he adds

“These clubs cost…” Ed begins cutting Zander off, but Warren clears his throat and says

“The advice you gave me was priceless! And these are just a small token of my appreciation”

Edward catches his drift then after glancing over at Bria and Julie, he tells Warren

“We gotta break these in before you leave!”

“Deal!” Warren replies

“Good thing you’re retiring soon!” Zander states

As the guys start back raving over the shiny gold golf clubs, that they use to hit balls across some grass. Bria’s mind replays Ed’s words and she can’t help but wonder exactly how much Warren had spent on those clubs.

Having blown through majority of her savings over the last few months and still not having a new job, Jennifer was less than a month away from moving back home to Atlanta. Doug had been the only reason she was sticking around and now that he was clearly not into anything serious, she was left drowning her sorrows in her second bottle of tequila.

Moments after ending a drunken call with her sister, who was furious with her for not coming home for the holidays, Jennifer’s doorbell rings. After glancing out of the peephole, she’s slightly disappointed that Doug isn’t the one standing there.

When she opens the door for Dillon, he smiles then slurs

“Hey Jenny!” seemingly just as drunk as her

“What do you want?” she asks

Stepping forward almost losing his footing, he says

“I’m so sorry”

“I don’t know what I was thinking”

“You’ve been…” he begins stumbling into her

“Ok, I get it” she responds helping him regain his balance

“See, what would I do without you?”

As he clumsily makes his way to her couch, she closes the door.

“I was kinda in the middle of something” Jen states still not wanting to be around him after his outburst at the hospital

“You’re all I have Jenny” he mutters, his words tugging at her heart strings

Who wouldn’t feel bad for this poor guy? Jennifer thinks to herself as she stands there staring at him as he’s laid out across her couch

“I had to get out of that house. Every room, every photo, it all just kept reminding me of how alone I am.” he adds then looking up at her he whispers

“Then I thought of you!”

“You need to leave Dillon!” Jennifer whispers shaking her head

“Jenny, I can’t go back to that house” he mutters almost in tears

Standing there, quite inebriated and struggling to think straight, she says

“It’s late…” before she can finish her sentence her doorbell rings again

“You have got to be kidding me!” she snaps turning to answer the door

Without even looking to see who it is, she swings the door open and shouts

“What now!”

A peculiar look crosses Doug’s face and instantly delighted to see him, Jennifer wraps her arms around him and doesn’t let go. Completely caught off guard, Doug just stands there his eyes fixed on Dillon.

Finally, when she looks up at him, he says

“I’m sorry, I see you have company!”

Pulling him down into a slow seductive tequila infused kiss, Jennifer whispers

“I do now!”

“I mean dude” he says with a raised eyebrow, pointing at Dillon

Shaking her head, she says

“He’s drunker than I am. He showed up a few minutes ago and wouldn’t leave”

“I know” he whispers as they step into the house

“How do you know?” she smirks

“Are you stalking me?”

“No, I sort of know his driver!” he replies

After a slight confrontation, they manage to get Dillon back in his uber and on their way back inside, Doug asks

“So, you were having a sleep over without me?”

Jennifer just walks back inside but doesn’t respond. When Doug sits down on the couch, she stands looking at him then asks

“Why are you here?” suddenly very sober, very annoyed, and resentfully aroused

“I didn’t like the way you left things yesterday!”

“It’s late and I’ve had a long day. I appreciate you helping me get Dillon out, but…” she begins then pauses when he stands up and starts walking towards her

With a seductive grin and humor in his voice, Doug walks up to her, completely invading her personal space and says

“It’s like eight o’clock and your labored breathing, the kiss you gave me earlier and this hungry look you’re giving me right now, are all indicators that you want me to stay.”

“But if you say go, I will, no questions asked!” he adds stepping between her legs so his invitation for more is pressed firmly against her

Looking up searching his eyes, she whispers

“I want more than just sex!”

Doug gently touches the side of her face then leaning down he whispers

“I know!”

After giving her a long seductive kiss, he asks

“How much did you drink?”

Chuckling Jennifer says

“You don’t wanna know”

The sun had finally set at the Smith house as Warren and Bria are upstairs getting dressed for the annual party.

“It’s not fair that the girls get to hang out up here and not have to come to the party.”

“I really should stay up here and watch them” Bria states as she stands looking at herself in the full-length mirror, her pregnant figure covered by a thin layer of dusty peach satin material.

“You look incredible” Warren whispers coming to stand behind her then looking at her in the mirror

Turning to face him, she wraps her arms around his neck then asks

“Don’t you want to pop some popcorn and just lay in bed and watch movies tonight?”

“I want to go downstairs have a drink or two, mingle with your friends and family, maybe hear an embarrassing story or two from your childhood.” he laughs

“And when your feet start to become too angry with you for those sexy shoes, I’ll bring you back up here, help you out of this beautiful dress and caress every inch of you until you fall asleep in my arms after thanking me for an amazing night!”

“If only I could be all rainbows and unicorns like you!”

“Give it some time, I’m sure I’ll rub off on you soon enough”

“Now, shall we?” he asks stepping back holding out his arm

“If we must” she replies

Jennifer glances up at Doug as they lay cuddled up in her bed and asks

“What do you mean you sort of knew Doug’s driver?”

“It’s a long story” he responds hoping she’d just leave it at that

“Good, I love stories and I have nothing but time”

“I thought you said you’d had a long day and was tired” he smiles

“I did…”

“Ok, if you don’t want to talk about that then, tell me why you came over. Cause I can count on one hand how many times you been here, and you’ve probably only been in my bed once or twice.”

“I told you I didn’t like the way we left things yesterday” he responds staring across the room at the picture on the wall

Jennifer just looks at him eager for him to come clean and admit that this had become more than just sex. With only one last card to play, she says

“I actually have something I wanted to tell you”

She can feel the way his entire body tenses at her words, when he just looks at her but doesn’t respond she sits up in the bed then says

“I’ve been thinking about moving back to Atlanta”

“Aww h*ll!” he exhales

“What does that mean?” she questions

Shaking his head Doug says

“I thought you…”

“Never mind”

“Why?” he asks

“Besides the fact that the company that I moved here for, went out of business.”

“I mean yeah. But why not just get another job” he asks

“I can do that back in Atlanta” she explains

“True” he breathes

When he lays his head back on the pillow and stares up at the ceiling, Jennifer scoffs

“D, seriously?”

Rolling his body to face her, he says

“Jen, you know me, like really know me…” he pauses searching her eyes

“So, you know, I can’t go down this road with you.”

Jennifer narrows her eyes at him then shakes her head. Finally laying back down next to him, she whispers

“I know that the guy I met four years ago would never be about to wake up in my bed.”

Peering up at him, she whispers

“You’re gonna miss me!”

A little after ten, just like Warren mentioned earlier, Bria’s sexy high heel sandals were starting to turn on her. Surprised at how much she’d actually been enjoying herself, Bria excuses herself from a conversation with her childhood friend’s parents, Grace and her aunt Ivy.

Not having seen Warren for a while, she can only imagine he needs rescuing from a boring conversation. On her way outside to search for him, she figures coming down to the party was his idea, so she stops at the hot coco stand and grabs a hot chocolate, letting him suffer a little longer.

As she stands waiting for her cup, she takes a deep cleansing breath trying to relax and ignore her aching feet, when she recognizes that familiarly luscious, sweet smell of bitter peach and orange oil coming from behind her. Allowing that familiar scent to wash over her and relax her as it had done for the past few months, she takes another deep cleansing breath then after grabbing her cup from the server, she turns around and whispers

“I think they’re angry enough for a nigh… cap”

Turning to find that Warren is not the source of the familiar calming scent, Bria is both stunned and embarrassed.

Taking in the devilishly handsome specimen of a man dressed in a red and blue checker blazer with matching pants and a white shirt, she mutters

“Kevin!” then letting go of her hot chocolate, not even realizing that it’s fallen to the ground and has splashed on her leg and dress, she just stands there mortified.



Veronica Pollard

Loving wife and mother with a passion for writing. I’m an aspiring author and I love writing drama filled love stories you’ll enjoy!