WIDOWer Chapter 8

Veronica Pollard
Published in
21 min readNov 3, 2021


It’s been three weeks since Bria agreed to help Warren out at District 981 and to both of their surprise, they make the perfect pair. In both their personal and professional lives, they’d become in sync.

When Warren travels to different locations, Bria stays local so that one of them is always there to pick Julie up after school. And she’d also become accustomed to Bria being a part of their daily life, seemingly assuming the role of stepmom just like she’d hoped.

With her parent’s anniversary party coming up, Bria goes shopping for a loose-fitting dress to hide her growing baby bump, since she still hadn’t shared the news of her pregnancy with anyone. Although to the untrained eye, you wouldn’t know she was pregnant, but knowing Grace, she had to take extra precautions to avoid any midriff attention.

Lisa comes to town that Friday afternoon to spend the weekend with Julie.

Warren and Bria arrive at Basil, a casual upscale restaurant in the heart of Jacksonville around eight thirty Friday night. Bria is wearing a casual floral print pencil dress with a belt, and Warren is dressed in a matching blazer.

The hostess shows them to the rest of their party and to Bria’s surprise, her aunts, uncles, and cousins are also there.

Stunned, Bria smiles at first her mother, then speaks to everyone else around the table.

Grace quickly stands up and comes around the table to give her a hug.

“Hey Nee, I’m so glad you made it!” Grace states

Then turning her attention to Warren, she says

“And this must be Warren! I’m delighted to meet you sir” she states giving him a hug

“It’s an honor to be here, Mrs. Smith” he replies

“Please, call me Grace sweetheart”

“And Mr. Smith, it’s nice to meet you” Warren states when Edward, Bria’s father, stands to shake his hand

Once Bria introduces Warren to everyone else at the table, they finally take their seats. Edward orders champaign for the entire table and Bria just discretely sips her water. Over drinks and appetizers, they discuss work and careers, and the conversation also leads to them discussing the recent scandal surrounding Scope’s abrupt shut down.

Seeing how uneasy Bria becomes during the Scope discussion Warren places his hand on hers underneath the table and offers her a quick reassuring smile. Relieved when Ed finally changes the subject to ask him about District 981, Warren is all too eager to oblige.

As the night starts to wind down, Bria’s cousin Nara announces her pregnancy to the family. Bria excuses herself and goes to the restroom just to take a breath. The weight of Scope, being pregnant and unexpectantly introducing her new boyfriend to her entire family had Bria on edge.

Relieved when she returns and sees that almost everyone else has left. Warren, Edward, and Grace all stand ready to leave when she arrives back at the table.

Grace comes over to walk outside with Bria as the guys follow behind them, taking her arm, she whispers

“I can certainly see what Sue saw in Warren!”

When they walk outside Grace steps back a little then after studying Bria’s face she says

“Honey you are glowing! I’ll be so happy when you finally decide to give me a grandbaby.”

“Does Warren want more kids?” she asks

“Ma, stop! Can we just celebrate you and Dad this weekend?”

When they finally get to the car, Grace says

“You two should join us for brunch, tomorrow at the country club. We’ll go to the spa for a while and let Warren spend some time with your father.”

First glancing at Warren then back at Grace, Bria says

“We’ll see ma. I’ll call you in the morning.”

Grace eyes her with a peculiar look then says

“What do you mean call me? You are staying at the house, right?”

“No, we were…” Bria begins

“Of course, you are! Don’t be silly, I have the guest suite all ready for you two!”

“We’ll see you both at the house!” Grace adds getting in the car

Up early the following morning, Bria is sitting out in the back yard next to the river drinking a cup of coffee.

Walking into the kitchen, Warren finds Grace and her sister Ivy discussing party details

“Good morning, Warren. How’d you sleep?” Grace asks when she sees him walk into the kitchen

“Great, thanks for asking. And good morning to you ladies.” He replies

“Can I get you something? Coffee?” she asks

“Renee is down by the lake, if you’re looking for her” she adds, when he glances around

“Coffee would be great!” Warren replies

“Come on over, here is the coffee bar. Make yourself at home. There’s also muffins and croissants on the table.” Grace adds walking back over to Ivy

“Thank you!” he replies

Warren makes himself a cup of coffee, then after grabbing a croissant from the table, he heads out back. On his way to join Bria, he sees her talking with her father down by the river. Instead of interrupting them, he sits down on the porch.

A few minutes later Bria and Ed glance back over their shoulders, seeing him, Ed gets up and walks towards the porch.

“Warren, good morning.” Edward states walking up

“Good morning” he replies

“I’m gonna take off and head to the club in a few, you should ride with me” he adds nodding his head, as if that was more than a suggestion

Glancing from him to Bria then back to him Warren says

“Okay, sure!”

“Go ahead, she’s waiting for you. I’ll give you two a minute.” Ed states standing up, heading into the house

“I told my dad about the baby!” Bria states when Warren comes to sit down next to her

“Well, thanks for the heads up!” he replies

“I’m sorry, I didn’t plan to. We were talking and it kinda…” she pauses at a loss for words

“He just has a way of getting me to open up.”

Taking her hand, he kisses it and says

“It’s ok”

Bria smiles then asks

“Are you going to ride to the club with him?”

“When he mentioned it, it didn’t sound like a request” he responds

“Don’t worry, he likes you!” she states as Edward comes outside and calls Warren

Standing up, he gives Bria a quick kiss on the cheek and heads back towards the house.

Edward, Zander, Ed’s brother, and Warren are all standing around waiting for their caddy to bring their cart around, when Warren recognizes Trent Brice.

Trent is a real estate developer that Warren has worked with for the last several years.

Warren goes over to say hello to Trent and when he realizes who Warren is with, they all stand around talking for a while.

Trent and Edward have also known each other for years and often golf rivals, both long time members at the club, so they all decide to hit the green together.

A few holes in, Ed is finally able to get Warren to himself

“Did Renee tell you that she told me about the baby?” he asks

“Yes, she did!” warren replies

“She also told me a little bit about you. But what I’m most interested in isn’t so much your past, but your future.” Edward states switching clubs then grabbing a golf ball

Warren laughs and says

“Honestly, I can’t say for sure.”

“I mean, I know what I’d like the future to look like. But Bria…” he begins then pauses

“She’s still not sure yet.”

Ed shakes his head then says

“Bria vowed to never get married again, after Jaylen, but she also said that she’d never have a baby.”

“And after the way she lit up this morning when she was talking about you and being pregnant. I’ve never seen her…” Ed stops

Then with a profound look in his eye he acknowledges

“I’ll just say. She’s in a place I didn’t know existed for her anymore!”

“So, whatever you two have, you need to decide if it’s what you really want.”

“I know what Bria’s been through and trust me. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t intend to do everything in my power to do right by her!” Warren states

“That is if she lets me” he adds

Ed shakes his head and states

“I like you, Warren!”

“Don’t make me regret it!” he adds swinging the club and striking the ball with an alarming amount of force

Not long after the guys, Bria, Ivy and Grace arrive at the club and head straight into the spa.

Bria opts to just get a pedicure and facial. Still not having told her mom about the baby, she has to lie about reasons she’s not getting a massage. And as much as she enjoyed getting a long relaxing massage, that was no easy task.

While Bria sits getting her pedicure, her phone rings

“Hey Sue!” she says answering the call

“Hey, where are you?” she asks

“I’m at dad’s club? Where are you?”

“I’m here too, Grace told me where you guys would be”

“Oh, ok. Were in the spa. I’ll see you when you get in here” Bria states

“Ok. Bye!” Susan replies then hangs up

When Sue walks in, she gives Bria a hug then says

“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”

“You’re so pretty, are you glowing?” she adds

“I’m about to get a facial, maybe that has something to do with it” she replies trying to change the subject

“Where is Ma and Aunt Ivy?” Susan asks

“They’re getting a massage”

“That’s what I need. Why aren’t you…” she stops suddenly aware of all the signs

“Wait a minute, you’re not drinking, you’re glowing! You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” she asks

“And you better not lie to me!” Susan states

“Will you shut up!”

“I haven’t told Ma yet!” she states through gritted teeth

“Oh my god!” Sue squeals with excitement

“Sue, I’m gonna kill you!” Bria states

“Ok, I’m sorry”

“Oh my gosh! I’m so excited!” she adds finally sitting down in her chair

“I knew it! How far along are you?” she asks

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” she adds

“Sue Donaldson! We are not having this conversation!” Bria says eying her then taking out her phone she sends her a quick text answering her question

Almost 12wks

“Where is Junior?” Sue asks after reading her text

“With Dad!” she mumbles

“Why you say it like that?” Susan inquires

“After I told Dad about me being pregnant, he insisted Warren ride here with him this morning. They’re playing golf.”

Susan laughs then says

“He’ll be fine. Junior is the complete opposite of Jaylen.”

Looking at Bria, Sue adds

“I’m really happy you two are together, you both deserve each other!”

“Here you go.”

“Where is your husband?” Bria asks

“He’ll be here later for the party.” Sue responds, clearly not in the mood to discuss Jacob

When Warren and Ed get back from the club, Bria is laying down taking a nap. Walking into the bathroom to take a shower, careful not to wake her, he closes the bathroom door.

Bria’s alarm wakes her up and when she hears the shower running, she peaks her head in. Smiling when she sees Warren, she quickly disrobes.

“Hey Babe!” she says joining him in the shower

“Hey sleepyhead” he replies giving her a quick kiss

“I missed you. Did you have fun today?” Bria asks

“I did, we had a good time. Your uncle Zander is a straight comedian, he had us laughing all day”

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself”

“And FYI, Sue knows about the baby too” she states squinting her eyes

“Ok, so why not just announce it already?” he asks

“I can’t make an announcement until I tell my mom. I’ll never hear the end of it if I do.”

“You better not wait much longer. It’s only a matter of time, before…”

“I know, I know!” she states cutting him off

Giving him a long seductive kiss, Bria whispers

“I’ve never had sex in my parent’s house before. You wanna be my first?” with a sneaky smirk

“I’d love to, but not right now. I’m kinda in a hurry”

“In a hurry, why?” she asks

“Your uncle Zander and I are about to play pool.”

Shaking her head Bria whispers

“I’m pregnant and horny, you wouldn’t just abandon me like this would you?”

Warren laughs and after giving her a kiss, he says

“Later, I promise!”

Watching as he gets out of the shower, Bria is pleased by how well Warren and her family are getting along. Jaylen didn’t exactly have the same experience, her family hated him. It might have been his arrogant, self-absorbed, know it all tendencies but either way, he was never as involved in family get togethers.

Warren had won over the entire Smith family in just a matter of hours. Yes, he was caring, handsome, charming, and humble but even with everything still fitting so perfectly into place, Bria still couldn’t shake the nagging feeling of dread that plagued her mind. Having trusted her own judgement once and been so profoundly mistaken, Bria now feared being deceived more than solitude.

It’s a few minutes after seven when they arrive back at the club. The reception area is completely transformed and the theme ‘Cheers to Forty Years’ is draped across the back wall with the number forty balloons, big and small all around the room. With white and rose gold decorations everywhere.

When Bria and Warren walk in, Grace and Ed are talking to a group of friends, so they take their seats.

The party progresses and Bria is finally able to cut in and dance with her mom.

“You look gorgeous Ma, I love you!” she states

With a bright smile, Grace says

“I love you too honey. You are your father and I’s greatest achievement!”

“He told you, didn’t he?” Bria asks

“I could already tell, but yes. Of course, he told me!” She states gently placing her hands on either side of her face

“That’s the only gift I’ve ever wanted from you! Congratulation’s sweetheart!” she adds giving her a quick kiss then pulling her into a hug as tears swell in her eyes

Before long Ed comes back over to dance with Grace and Warren is right behind him to take Bria’s hand. They dance for a moment then Zander clinks a glass gathering everyone’s attention for a toast.

On their drive back home the following morning, Warren asks

“Do you ever think about living in Jacksonville?”

Bria glances at him then says

“No, and I don’t want to!”

“It was just a question” he smiles

“You ever think about living in Atlanta?”

“Point taken. And yes, I have. Several times actually, but I like where I live and Jewel’s school.”

“What did you and my dad talk about that has you thinking I want to move?”

“Nothing, I told you it was just a question” he replies

“Ok, but I know your questions are never that simple. So, what did you guys talk about?”

Glancing at her then, back at the road, Warren says

“You, of course!”

“What about me?”

“I’ll never tell!” he states with a big smile

When they arrive at Warren’s house, he pulls into the garage, leans over and out of the blue he whispers

“I want you to think about moving in with me!” then without waiting for a response, he gets out of the car and heads inside

Julie comes out to greet Bria after giving her dad a quick hug. Not giving her time to process Warren’s request

“Hey Aunt…” she begins

“Bria!” she says correcting herself

“How was the party?” she asks

“Hey, it was ok. How was your weekend?”

“It was ok” she says rolling her eyes

“I’m glad you guys are back”

“With a whole Sunday afternoon to kill!” Bria adds

When they walk inside the house, Bria greets Lisa, and after glancing in her direction, she says

“Well, hello, Aunt Renee!”

“Warren, I’m going to take off, can you help me with my bag dear” she states dismissively

Warren noticing Lisa’s demeanor towards Bria, watches as her and Julie sit down on the sofa, then heads outside to take his mom’s bag to the car, closing the door behind him. Once he puts her bag in the trunk, he thanks Lisa for coming then states

“I don’t know what’s up with you, but don’t put Julie in a position to have to choose between you and Bria. She’s not going anywhere, and you’ll lose.” with a raised eyebrow, he stands back, smiles then watches her as she pulls out of the garage

When Warren walks back into the house, Julie has disappeared, and Bria is getting up from the couch.

“Babe, is it ok if we go to the park for a while?” she asks

“Only if I’m invited to join you” he replies with a smirk

“Of course! Julie went to call her friends and see if they could come too”

While Julie and her friends run off to play, they walk into the park and Bria asks

“Have you thought about how we’re going to tell Julie about the baby?”

“I’ve thought about that every day since I saw the test in your trash. But honestly, I know she’s gonna be ecstatic.” Warren replies

“It’s you that I’m most worried about.” he states as they sit down on a bench

“Me, why me?” she asks surprised

“I know you still have your reservations, but I’m…” he stops searching her eyes

“I want more days like this!” he states gesturing around the park

“It’s not that I don’t. I just, what if I lose this baby? Or I die during delivery? Or you…”

Stunned by her pessimism, Warren takes her hand and says

“That’s really dark!”

“We can’t live our lives expecting the worse. I love you and Julie is crazy about you”

“More than you can imagine.” he adds remembering his conversation with Julie

“We want you to be a part of our lives! Without you focusing on the worst that could happen.”

“That’s why I asked you about moving in with us” he explains with a bright smile

“So…” he begins then pauses

“I…” she begins then peers off into the distance lost in thought

Warren smiles then observing her body language, he asks

“What’s the first answer that comes to mind?”

“No!” she replies right away

“No, you don’t want to fall asleep in my arms every night, take long hot baths and even longer showers with me every day!” Warren whispers leaning in close to her ear

Turning to look at him Bria laughs then says

“This is a family park!”

“I whispered!”

“You are terrible” Bria says shaking her head

“Why don’t you and Julie just move in with me?” she asks

“I can think of several reasons, but just the fact that you only have two bedrooms is kind of a deal breaker. Since we are a growing family!”

Bria pouts then says

“I suppose you’re right”

“And just so you don’t get any more ideas, the growing stops here” she adds eyeing him suspiciously

“Do you want to talk to Julie tonight and tell her about the baby and you moving in?” Warren asks

Bria turns to him with a bright smile then says

“Yeah, why not!”

Laughing, Warren says

“You’re being sarcastic, but I’m serious!”

Bria’s smile fades and she sits just staring at him for a moment then standing up she walks down the sidewalk.

Giving her some space, he lets Bria walk around the park alone for a while. By the time she makes it halfway around the perimeter, Julie runs up to her.

“What’s wrong? Did daddy make you mad?” she asks

“No, not at all!” she replies

“Are you having fun?” she asks trying to get her mind off of them

“Yes, of course.”

“Ok, well, go have fun. Were gonna leave in about an hour”

“An hour!” she exclaims

“You are the best!” she adds giving her a quick hug, then running back off

“Are you two planning the next takeover?” Warren asks when Bria walks back over to him

Sitting down next to him she says

“No, she wanted to know if you made me mad!”

Then turning to look at him, she asks

“Why is she so perceptive?”

Smiling Warren asks

“So, you are mad at me?”

“Mad isn’t the word I’d use, but I’m definitely something” she states finally

“I just feel like I’m replacing Mia!” Bria whispers then turns to look back at Julie

“Babe, your being in our lives isn’t replacing her, it’s filling a void, that losing her has caused.” Warren replies taking her hand

“I couldn’t have prayed for someone as perfect as you to start the next chapter of my life with. Everyday I’m surprised by my feelings for you. I love how genuine and honest you are. No matter how uncomfortable it makes you. You’ve been burned and you make it a point to just be upfront about things. That is refreshingly attractive.”

“This is all well and great, but it’s just a little too well and great. I’d just rather wait for the other shoe to drop.”

Laughing, Warren says

“You’re pregnant and you recently were unemployed, I think that’s enough shoes for now!”

Bria laughs and says

“Surprisingly, those just seem to have worked themselves out.”

“I mean, I’m still an incubator, but I like working with you at 981!”

“I’m sure you’d like living with me too!” he smirks with a raised eyebrow

“And to answer your question, I only brought my house two and a half years ago.”

“I didn’t…” she begins

“Just in case you may have wondered.” he explains

“I do need to show you something though. There’s one room in my house I intentionally neglected to show you, until now.”

Surprised, she asks

“What, a secret torture room?”

Before either of them can respond, Julie walks up to them

“Hey!” Warren states

“What’s wrong?” Bria asks

“Nothing, I’m tired!” she replies sitting down between the two of them

“You ready to go!” Warren asks

“Yes, please!” she replies jumping back up

“Can I have a sleepover next weekend?” she asks turning around walking backwards looking between the two of them

Warren smiles and glances at Bria, then says

“Let me think about it!”

Bria smirks and shakes her head slightly winking her eye so Warren can’t see her

Back at the house, they order Chinese food and while they wait for it to be delivered, Warren tells Bria that he wants to show her the room he was referring to.

“Should I be afraid?” she asks

“No” he replies with a slight smile

“Ok, let’s go!” she states getting up from the couch

Warren leads her into Julie’s bedroom then into the closet. When he opens the door, Bria is surprised by how big her walk-in closet is. Walking inside, she sees a small staircase against the wall, leading up to what looks like the attic.

“Ok, I’m kinda scared!” she whispers watching Warren flip on a light switch then go up the stairs

“Don’t be, come on” he states

When Bria walks upstairs, she sees that the attic has been completely renovated. There’s a gorgeous closet setup with a sitting area. When she looks around, she sees women’s clothes and shoes and then she notices the pictures of Mia on the closet island.

Turning to look at Warren with a slight smile, she asks

“Are these Mia’s things?”

“Yeah, I didn’t want to get rid of her things. In case Julie wanted them.” Warren replies after a beat

Then sitting down on a nearby chair, he continues

“It was almost a year before I moved her things from our bedroom in my old house. When I did, I just put them in a guest bedroom, and that kind of became her room. So, when we moved, I promised Julie I’d create a space where she could always remember her mom. But, with hopes of one day sharing my life with someone special, I knew it couldn’t be a bedroom.”

Bria walks around the island looking at all the pictures, then pulling out a drawer, she sees Mia’s driver’s license, social security card and a bunch of other seemingly significant documents. Then pulling open another, she sees her jewelry, a watch, a wedding, and engagement ring and what she assumes is warren’s wedding band. Then closing that drawer, she finally walks over to him.

“Only you would create a Mia Museum for Julie!”

Warren laughs, then stands up and asks

“What does that mean?”

“That means this is the absolute sweetest thing I have ever seen in my life!”

“And I love it!”

“And I love you for it!” she smiles giving him a quick kiss

They hear the doorbell ring, then Julie shouting

“To be continued!” Warren whispers

“No, nothing to continue.”

“I love this and no matter what happens with us, this stays as long as Julie wants it!”

As they’re walking back down the stairs, Julie catches them coming out of her closet.

“Hey, where…?” she begins then realizes where they’re coming from

“We heard the doorbell” Warren replies

“I’ll get it!” Bria states leaving the two of them alone

“Jewels, what’s wrong?”

“Did you show Aunt, I mean Renee mom’s stuff?” she mutters

Warren takes her hand and leads her to her bed, and they sit down

“I did” he whispers

“Is that ok?” he asks

“I wanted to show her, but yes, it’s ok.” She replies looking up at him

“Did she like it?” she asks

With a bright smile, Warren says

“She loved it!”

“I knew she would” she states

“How would you feel if Bria moved in with us?” he asks after a beat

“But I thought you said she wasn’t” Julie replies

“I did say that, but things are going really well, and I really like having her around. And since she started working with me at 981, I think it’s a good idea.”

“What do you think?” he asks

“I think you should ask her already!” she states

“That’s why I showed her mom’s things, I didn’t want her to be surprised by it.” He replies

“Are you going to ask her tonight?” Julie asks

“Umm, maybe. I’ll let you know” he responds

“Knock, knock” Bria states peeping her head in the door

Looking up at her, Warren says

“Alright, who’s hungry?”

“Me!” Julie states jumping up from the bed

“Hey” Warren whispers taking Bria’s hand before she turns to follow Julie

“I know you’re still thinking about moving in, but if there’s anything you want to change, just let me know” he states softly

Bria smiles up at him and after giving him a quick kiss, she says

“Will do!”

While they sit eating dinner, Bria asks

“Did you have fun at the park today, Julie?”

“I really did, thank you so much.”

“I can’t wait for Thanksgiving break, so we can go every day!” she adds

“Thanksgiving, that is right around the corner” Bria whispers

“Yeah, like next week!” Julie replies

“We should have Thanksgiving here!”

Before anyone can respond, Bria’s phone rings and ignoring the call, she looks over at Warren.

“Probably not Jewels” he states, then Bria’s phone makes a noise again

Glancing at the phone she sees a text from Susan


“But why not, we have almost two weeks to plan!” Julie asks

“I’m sorry, excuse me!” Bria states dialing Susan back

When she leaves the room, Warren says

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to try and plan anything here, you want to have a sleepover this weekend and…”

Before he can finish, Bria comes back into the room

“I so sorry, I gotta run, that was Sue!” she states walking over to give Warren a quick kiss

“Is everything ok?” he asks

Walking over to Julie, she discreetly shakes her head, no, and says

“Good night, Julie!”

“Good night, love you!” Julie replies

Warren gets up from the table and walks outside with Bria.

“What’s wrong?” he asks when they get to the car

“I don’t know, she called me then texted me 911. And when I called her back, she was crying and said she was on her way to my house.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” he asks

“No, I’ll call or text you as soon as I can” she replies

“Ok, I love you and please drive safe!” he adds giving her a quick kiss

“I love you!” she responds getting in the car

Ten minutes later Bria arrives at her house and sees Susan’s car in the driveway, but no sign of her. When she walks into the house, she sees her pouring a glass of wine in the kitchen.

“Sue, what’s wrong?” Bria asks closing the door

Susan just looks up at her and starts to cry again. Bria walks over and wraps her arms around her.

They stand that way for the longest time and finally Susan takes her glass from the counter and walks over to the couch. Confused and concerned Bria walks over sitting down next to her.

With tears in her eyes Susan mutters

“Jay’s having a baby!”

“You’re pregnant?” Bria says shocked

“No!” she declares finally looking at her

“Oh, Sue, no!” Bria whispers

“I’m so sorry” she adds

“I knew, he was cheating, but I just ignored it.”

“I figured as long as he loved me and treated me like his wife, eventually, that would be enough, and he’d stop.” wiping her tears, she adds

“But never in a million years did I expect for him to make a baby with the tramp!”

“I prepared myself for every possible outcome except this one” she states taking another long sip of wine, emptying her glass

Watching her stand up and walk back into the kitchen, Bria asks

“How did you find out?”

Susan laughs then when she comes back into the living room, she says

“He told me.”

“He said he needed to talk to me and that he loved me more than anything. And that he never meant to hurt me.”

“Before he even said it, I already knew what he was about to say. But then he said she told him she was almost four months pregnant!”

Bria just sits listening to her completely dumbfounded

“When he told me that, I just snapped!” she whispers

Narrowing her eyes at Sue, Bria asks

“What do you mean, you snapped?”

Susan sits not responding for a second and Bria picks up her phone to text Warren

Please, go to the house and check on Jacob NOW!

Just sitting there for a few minutes, a dozen things running through her mind. Bria starts having flashbacks to the day she found out Jaylen had been cheating on her. Then worried what actually transpired between Sue and Jacob, Bria takes Sue’s hand and when she finally looks at her, she says

“I went into the kitchen to get something to drink…” she begins shaking her head then continues

“But I saw the knives instead” she mutters

“Sue, where is Jacob?” Bria asks

“Home!” she replies quickly

“Is he ok?” she asks

Shaking her head, no, Susan whispers

“I don’t know, I just left!”

Standing up from the couch, Bria calls Warren

“Hey, have you gotten there yet?”

“Yeah, I’m pulling up now. What happened?”

Glancing back at Sue, she says

“I’m not exactly sure, but he might be hurt”

“Okay” Warren states

Warren stands ringing the doorbell for a minute then says

“He didn’t answer!”

“Warren, you need to get in that house!” she states

“The garage code is 7412” she adds

Warren puts in the code and when the garage goes up, he sees Jay’s car then goes into the house.

When he gets in the living room, he finds Jacob in a large pool of blood with a knife in his shoulder.

“Holy f*ck!”

“Babe, I’ll call you back!” he says ending the call



Veronica Pollard

Loving wife and mother with a passion for writing. I’m an aspiring author and I love writing drama filled love stories you’ll enjoy!