Women In Data Science La Paz Conference 2023

Nathaly Alarcón
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2023
WiDS La Paz Conference

La Conferencia de Women in Data Science La Paz, está de regreso.
El sábado 1 de Julio a las 9:30 AM nos reuniremos para hablar sobre Data Science.

Te traemos una agenda imperdible con temás muy interesantes:

  • Marketing Data Analytics por Natalia Sampériz, CEO & founder at Semmantica (Zaragoza — Spain)
  • Unleashing the Power of Data-Driven Storytelling por Noelia Franco, Data Engineer at Mojix
  • Expediente de Éxitos — Expediente de fracasos por Marcia Montealegre , Data Analyst en AssureSoft
  • Desde I/O connect Miami, herramientas para entrenar y usar modelos de ML por Monica Orellana , Economista, fundadora de Thinkuna
  • Machine Learning Models por Orietha Castillo, Mojix Inc.
  • Análisis de sentimientos en Twitter por Priscila Espinoza, Data Science Engineer en Mojix
  • Most In-demand Skills in Artificial Intelligence por Nathaly Alarcón, Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning.

Regístrate y síguenos en nuestras redes para que estés al tanto de las novedades https://fb.me/e/6i8lT0crS

La conferencia será transmitida por Facebook Live y por Youtube.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/widslapaz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wids_lapaz
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oONXKqpox-0

WiDS La Paz is an independent event that is organized by the ambassadors: Orietha Castillo and Nathaly Alarcón as part of the annual WiDS Worldwide conference, the WiDS Datathon, and an estimated 200 WiDS Regional Events worldwide. Everyone is invited to attend all WiDS conference and WiDS Datathon Workshop events which feature outstanding women doing outstanding work.



Nathaly Alarcón

I code in my sleep - ♡ I love Coffee ♡ - Data Scientist — Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning - Google Cloud Champion Innovator