Comfort Agangan
Published in
4 min readSep 9, 2020

The WIE-UISB Webinar tagged “STEM Lady at her Peak” held some weeks ago. For those of us that attended, we can agree that it was a very enlightening webinar.

One of the things that stood out to me was the mention of Soft Skills, and why it is quite important in this day and age. By perfect orchestration, I started seeing ads for Jobberman’s soft skills training.

I decided to check it out and give you my feedback. In case you’re wondering, what soft skills are..

Soft skills are personality traits and behaviors. Unlike technical skills or “hard” skills, soft skills are not about the knowledge you possess but rather the behaviors you display in different situations.

I’m sure we’ve heard the maxim, 'No man is an island' so many times. Whether you plan to be an entrepreneur, or to work in a corporate organization, you need soft skills to do your work effectively. You would need to work with another person or a team at one point or the other; soft skills are needed to manage people and make the team work.

If you’ve ever met a charismatic person, or a good communicator, you’d know the importance of soft skills. Most things in the world are learned, if not all. So with practice, even you could learn how to communicate effectively.

Let me not get ahead of myself. In order to register, go to Jobberman.com. You then follow the registration process. For some reason, I had to register twice before I was sent a link to the Telegram group, where the link to take the baseline test and the training were posted.

The baseline test is assessment of your soft skills knowledge. Just to compare with your end line test after you finish the training. I received a score that said I was experienced in soft skills, if only they knew.

The training itself is done in video form and let me paint this picture. You work in XYZ Consulting Firm, then it’s announces that there is going to be a training for all employees. A four-hour training. On the day of the training, you discover a bunch of professionals, who teach soft skills magnificently well, in a way it is easily understood.

There’s a break between each session, where you’ve first served Meat pie and Coffee, the next break you have Jollof rice and beef, with a cold drink and so on. You leave the training full. Of knowledge and food.

That’s all the Jobberman Soft Skills training is, minus the food and drinks. We live in a very competitive world, and you need to acquire skills that would give you an edge.

You might be the best candidate on paper, but if you can’t effectively pass across your message, you might not be able to get that opportunity you want.

So why is the Jobberman Soft Skills training worth your time?

  1. It’s free!
  2. It’s certified!
  3. You gain employable skills
  4. You learn to work with people better!

I used to be so socially awkward, and now, I’m just mildly awkward. Why? Because I learnt some social skills. Almost anything can be learnt, if not all. So you want to be Picasso, learn how to paint. So you want to be Messi, learn how to play football and practice your brains out.

There is a place of being 'talented' or being naturally skilled at something, but in the end, talent is never enough. You still have to learn more, practice more.

I don’t especially like talking to people for extended periods of time, but when I do, I would like to communicate effectively and efficiently.

Employers these days are looking for employees that are not only book smart, but have soft skills that would make them invaluable to their organization.

*This is not a sponsored post

If you end up taking the Jobberman Soft Skills Training because of this article, and you post your certificate, you can tag us on our socials.


WIE-UISB stands for Women in Engineering, University of Ibadan Students Branch. A community dedicated to empowering ladies in Engineering and other STEM fields.

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