Why WiHi — Research & useful information

Mark C. Ballandies
WiHi — Weather
2 min readFeb 26, 2024

This is a living document in which we share insightful and research-based information from the WiHi community on decentralized physical infrastructure networks, regenerative finance, web3, weather & climate modeling and participatory sensing — basically what WiHi is about.

Blog articles

Podcasts/ Spaces:

w3ather research

Here we share our academic research contributions.



WiHi innovations

  • Idea market mechanism: This tool brings back self-organization to decentralized communities by improving crowd-financing with the concept of separating idea proposer from executor.

Want to stay up to date?

Follow us on Twitter, Linkedin and Medium, join our discord, and check out our documentation.



Mark C. Ballandies
WiHi — Weather

PostDoc@ETH Zurich; co-founder@onocoy&WiHi, Lecturer@FHV. Views shared are my own. Always interested in academic, philosophical and hands-on exchanges.