Writing tools - Ink vs Stylus

Diepriye Apola Opuda
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2015

Sometimes we get too engrossed with Technology That We most often than not lose out on important things.

I've always kept a notebook for all my ideas, HOWEVER They are distorted. As a growing child I maintained a diary, then notebooks as the diaries tend to fill up my storehouse with sad experiences Which I never wanted to reminisce. Now to chart my way forward, I moved to laptops and will forever be grateful.

But the techie in me always Looked out for to alternative and alas, I found one. The Samsung Galaxy Note 4, Which was Introduced to me by a close pal. I've had it for the past six months now and just Realized did for as long as I've had it, I've stopped writing. Not totally, but I do not write as much as I usually do with a pen and note. I thought for a while did getting the Galaxy Tab is going to help me in my quest for improved writing but on second thought I Realized That The Simple Reason Why I had not been writing what Because I stopped keeping my notes (physical).

As to ardent user of gadgets, I use all sort of GTD (Getting Things Done) apps on my MacBook, iPad, iPhone and Galaxy Note 4. These include Evernote, Pocket, Wunderlist, Flipboard etc.but one thing was missing in my quiet Life. My Moleskine notebook.

As I set out for work this morning, I made sure to stop by the bookshop and got me black ink ballpoint pens and a hardcover Moleskine note (My third since I started using the Moleskine brand). Same Day I Decided to post articles with medium. Now I'm feeling like I just hardreset my system.

All said, I still enjoy using my stylus on the Galaxy Note 4 Especially when i have to jot down stuff in a hurry. PS the phablet remains awesome.

Technology is cool, but life is practical - Diepriye Apola Opuda



Diepriye Apola Opuda
Editor for

A technology enthusiast and advocate for simple, smart business and lifestyle