A Complete List of Blockchain Platforms — 2020

Harman Puri
Published in
6 min readJan 21, 2020
Complete list of blockchain platforms

It’s only natural that with the growing popularity of Blockchain, platforms built on Blockchain are gaining almost equal popularity.

Essentially, Blockchain platforms assist us in creating applications which implement the concepts of Blockchain. Every person or every company does not have either the resources or the time to develop their own Blockchain from scratch and hence these companies leverage Blockchain platforms developed by Tech giants for faster and easier application development.

Blockchain platforms are emerging like Samsung mobile phones, a new platform with new features and the same concept at the backend gets released every month.

Knowledge of these various platforms is very essential even if you are not involved with them at the moment because eventually, your business is going to need Blockchain and you never buy a mobile phone without checking its specifications and comparing it with other trending mobile phones in the market.

So here I bring you a list of 25 Blockchain platforms available in the market as of Jan 2020 with enough description for you to decide which one you can opt for. I am not explaining the prominent platforms: Corda, Hyperledger, Ethereum, Ripple and Hedera as you can find them in any Blockchain-related blog.

(If I left out any platform that you think is worth mentioning, please leave a comment)

  1. Algorand

Algorand is an open-source public blockchain based on a pure proof-of-stake consensus protocol that supports the scalability and transaction finality. Role-Based Asset Control in Algorand lets us use this Blockchain platform for numerous purposes involving asset transfer.

2. BigChainDB

This is not a blockchain platform but rather a Blockchain facilitator which lets us deploy Blockchains with a database containing built-in asset support and rich queries as well as high throughput, supporting a wide range of industries and use cases.

3. Credits

Credits is an open-source, fully decentralized blockchain software protocol. It introduces a unique new consensus algorithm — PoA (Proof of Agreement) based on BFT conception. Best suited for use cases involving microtransactions, mass financial payments and tokens issuing.

4. Chain Core

This platform lets you manage financial assets through a permissioned Blockchain System. With applications mainly in the financial industry, Chain Core can manage any number of independent blockchains by maintaining their ledgers or can act as a blockchain client for different permissioned blockchains.

5. Coco

Coco, Confidential Consortium, is a framework released by Microsoft which aims primarily at improving scalability by providing 1000+ transaction handling. It is compatible with all blockchain platform like Hyperledger Sawtooth, Ethereum, Corda, and Quorum. It also provides Trusted Execution Environments.

6. EOS

Ever heard of a developer-friendly Blockchain? Well EOS is one. Built for both public and private use cases, EOSIO is customizable to suit a wide range of business needs across industries

7. HydraChain

HydraChain is en extension of Ethereum. Leveraging the popularity and scalability of Ethereum it provides us with the creation of Blockchain-based applications by allowing users to develop smart contracts in Python.


ICON provides a decentralized network that allows independent blockchains with different governances to transact with one another without intermediaries. In simple words, It enables cross country payments through Blockchain(s) without depending on Fiats.


Blockchain for IoT has been given a new definition with this unique Blockchain platform. IOTA enables transactions between machines and IoT devices. The ledger uses a cryptocurrency called mIOTA to account for transactions in its network. IOTA’s Tangle is a system of nodes used for confirming transactions and the crown jewel of IOTA.

10. Lisk

Lisk focuses on the effortless development of Blockchain applications and hence Lisk SDK comes with developer tools, an active community and energy-efficient Blockchain network.

11. Multichain

MultiChain helps organizations to build and deploy blockchain applications with speed. It is being widely used including projects like SAP for Pharmaceuticals, TruBudget, Tagcash KYC, ILSBlockchain

12. NEO

According to their website, Neo is a “non-profit community-based blockchain project that utilizes blockchain technology and digital identity to digitize assets, to automate the management of digital assets using smart contracts, and to realize a “smart economy” with a distributed network.”

13. NEM

NEM’s permissioned private blockchain delivers industry-leading transaction rates for internal ledgers. And its revolutionary consensus mechanism and the Supernode program ensure that NEM’s open, public blockchain can grow without ever compromising throughput or stability.

14. Openchain

Openchain is an open-source distributed ledger technology suited for organizations wishing to issue and manage digital assets in a robust, secure and scalable way. It provides a single authority for verification of transactions. Every organisation has its sole instance of the ledger containing transactions which can be connected if needed.

15. Qtum

Qtum is an open-sourced public blockchain platform equipped with UTXO. Qtum is PoS based with a Decentralized Governance Protocol (DGP) allowing specific blockchain settings to be modified by making use of smart contracts like increasing the block size without the need of a hard fork.

16. Quorum

It is a permissioned Ethereum based Blockchain platform. Ethereum rules the world of public Blockchains and it is only befitting to use the concept, scalability, crypto and the technological aspect of Ethereum in a permissioned way to equip enterprises with a platform they can rely on. It is open source and has decent community support from the Ethereum community.

17. Smilo

Smilo is built on the concept of hybrid Blockchain. In a way, there was a need for the scalability and transparency of the public Blockchain while not being void of security and privacy of an organisation on the whole which gave birth to the concept of hybrid Blockchain. Smilo offers a blockchain platform which supports a combination of hybrid transactions, hybrid smart contracts and hybrid decentralised applications.

18. Stellar

Stellar introduces a way to combine the fiat currency with the digital currency. It is a decentralised platform which lets you hold, send, and swap digital versions of everyday currencies. fast, cross-border transactions between any pair of currencies can be done using Stellar through Its native asset, a digital currency called lumen (XLM).

19. Straitis

Straitis is a blockchain platform designed for particularly Windows/Microsoft environment which lets us develop Blockchain without having to configure our infrastructure. Essentially, every blockchain platform requires setting up of a network infrastructure which requires more effort and time then the actual development of the Blockchain and hence a platform like Straitis comes into play.

20. Tendermint

Tendermint is an Application BlockChain Interface(ABCI) which powers the Cosmos Blockchain platform. In any Blockchain, the basic requirement is of a consensus and the peer-to-peer network configurations but it is obvious that we don’t need to develop these if we want to incorporate Blockchain in our business so Tendermint built an engine which works like an engine for a car. You have to design the layout and the purpose of the car with Cosmos and Tendermint will power it with its engine.

21. Tezos

Tezos is a technology for deploying a blockchain capable of modifying its own set of rules with minimal disruption to the network through an on-chain governance model. It utilizes a Proof-of-Stake based consensus model.

22. Universa

Universa Protocol allows using cutting-edge technical advances such as IoT, BIM and escrow financing, which enable more transparent, trusted and faster transactions, thus granting an opportunity to link all the participants in the city digitization process. Universa mainnet is a global decentralized network offering extremely fast and secure enterprise-level blockchain and data storage services.

23. Waves Platform

It is a crypto-platform for asset/custom token issuance, transfer, and trading on the blockchain. Waves’ technology is designed for companies and developers who want to leverage the security, auditability, verifiability and the trustless execution of transactions and programming logic

24. Xinfin

Xinfin’s Blockchain platform along with its wallet is a Hybrid Blockchain platform which focuses on real-time Cross Border Trade and Finance. The XDC token is the underlying utility token of the XinFin hybrid blockchain and acts as a settlement mechanism for dApps built on the XinFin hybrid blockchain.

25. Zilliqa

With its own smart contract language scilla and being the first public Blockchain to implement sharding in its testnet, Zilliqa is a high-throughput blockchain platform that achieves over 2,828 transactions per second. Moreover, the scalable throughput ensures that Zilliqa’s capacity can continue to grow with the growing number of nodes.

Additionally, I would like to mention 20 more Blockchain platforms which are currently being developed or are in the stage of early deployment.

  1. Aion
  2. ArcBlock
  3. Ardor
  4. Blockstream
  5. Commerce Block
  6. Cardano
  7. Credits
  8. Elements Blockchain Platform
  9. Enigma
  10. Eris:db
  11. Komodo
  12. Loyakk
  13. Neblio
  14. Nxt
  15. Quantstamp
  16. RSK
  17. Symbiont Assembly
  18. Swirlds
  19. Tangle
  20. Wanchain

I hope this will help you the next time you are confused about which platform suits your business idea. At Webmob, I come across new platforms frequently and will try to keep you guys updated.

Stay tuned for more interesting Blockchain blogs. See you next time.

All Hail Blockchain! (Sorry but not sorry, couldn’t resist)

