10 Buffett Quotes and Meanings

Luke Lareau
Published in
6 min readMar 20, 2023

Don’t Take It From Me, Take It From Buffett

There are a lot of financial gurus and “experts” that flaunt their knowledge or expertise, but there are not too many people that have invested during numerous recessions, the attacks of 9/11, banking collapses, wars, political shifts, and all of the other uncertainties that life brings like Warren Buffett has. With a net worth over $100 billion, yes, that is with a B, it would be difficult not to heed the words that he says or had said in the past.

It is important to learn from successful and experienced financial investors like Warren Buffett, as they have the experience and knowledge to help make sound investment decisions. With decades of data-backed evidence and a proven track record, Buffett has earned the trust of millions of investors who have followed his advice and seen impressive returns on their investments. He also follows a philosophy of long-term investing that emphasizes making intelligent, well-though out investments with the potential to generate healthy returns over time. His advice is founded on years of market analysis, which makes it more accurate than tips offered by those without substantial experience in financial markets.

Moreover, Warren Buffett’s quotes are renowned for their insightfulness and wisdom when it comes to investing. He often speaks about the importance of taking calculated risks only after doing thorough research on various investment options. His words also remind us to be patient with our investments, recognizing that success won’t happen overnight, but rather it takes constant effort and dedication to build wealth over time. By learning from successful investors like Warren Buffett, we can empower ourselves with an understanding of how to make smart financial decisions in both good times and bad. With that, here are a few of my favorite quotes from Warren Buffett:

1. “Price is what you pay, value is what you get.”

This quote emphasizes the importance of considering the long-term value of an asset rather than just its current price, as true value often lies in future potential. This can be applied towards making any investment decision, even if it does not directly involve stocks. It suggests that making decisions based solely on an asset’s short-term price is often shortsighted and can lead to missed opportunities.

2. “Rule №1: Never lose money; Rule №2: Never forget Rule №1”

Minimizing losses over the long run is essential for achieving success as an investor or entrepreneur. It also suggests that investors should focus on avoiding mistakes and take only calculated risks with their investments when possible in order to maximize their gains while limiting losses over time. It does not mean AVOID taking risks, but to think through potential scenarios and emotional reactions that could cause you to make irrational decisions.

3. “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.”

This highlights the need for individuals and companies alike to be mindful of their public image in order to preserve their reputations as trustworthy and reliable. It also serves as a warning against acting too impulsively, as careless actions can have far-reaching consequences for one’s reputation that may take years to repair or undo. How many businesses had had issues that came to the public’s attention which took years to recover from? Look at Volkswagen for example. They had engineered their cars to provide false data to make their MPG look higher than it actually was. This cost them billions of dollars and years of regaining the trust of the public.

4. “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

This quote speaks of how our present successes are often the result of hard work done by people many years before us, and it encourages us to plan ahead and think about the long-term consequences of our actions today. It also reminds us that planning ahead and taking advantage of opportunities now can help ensure we reap benefits later on down the road. The buildings we sit in, the cars we drive, the water we easily get from our faucets, all of those structures were labored over years ago and evolved over time. All of the daily essentials that we take for granted were built on the backs of many people who are no longer here today.

5. “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”

This remark speaks of how having a passive income stream can give us more financial freedom and allow us to pursue other interests or endeavors without needing to continue working all day every day just for sustenance or survival needs alone. Many people work 20–30 years before realizing the importance of investing a portion of our income. If we spend what we make, chances are we will have to work to some capacity for the rest of our lives.

6. “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.”

This quote conveys the idea that taking risks is unavoidable when it comes to investing, but it also serves as a reminder that such risks should be taken with caution and knowledge rather than blindly. If done carelessly, it could lead one into serious trouble eventually, if not immediately. There was a story that came out recently that a cave diver studied a cave that he was going to go explore, but he ended up taking the wrong turn and was unable to maneuver his way out of it himself. By the time rescuers had gotten to him, he had already passed away. He thought he was experienced enough and knew the formation of the cave well enough to navigate his way through alone, but sadly, he was mistaken. Hopefully the decisions you make are not life and death decisions like that, but the importance of doing sufficient research cannot go understated.

7. “It’s better to hangout with people better than you.”

We need to surround ourselves with people who challenge us on various fronts so that we can keep building up new skillsets necessary for achieving higher goals and dreams. Instead of getting comfortable within our own limited capacity, which might stop us from going beyond our comfort zone, we should strive to be by individuals who may push us to further ourselves, no matter how uncomfortable that might be.

8. “The stock market is designed to transfer money from the active to the patient.”

This is one of the most important quotes on how patience and wise decision making play vital roles while investing in the stock market. Just about anyone who has their own investment account wants to try to make short-term gains by trading the market. Nearly 97% of all day traders lose money over time. Roughly 1% of all day traders are profitable on a long-term perspective. While the 97% of day traders are losing money, the patient investors are the ones profiting. Sometimes it pays to be patient. Warren Buffett is testament of that.

9. “Honesty is very profitable.”

The “Golden Rule” is a pretty simple and straight forward philosophy, yet how many people and companies get fined or imprisoned because they were caught taking advantage of people? If you would not want to be treated a certain way, don’t treat others that way. Honesty, integrity, doing the right thing, there is not a price tag that can be put on those behaviors and values.

10. “Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked.”

This quote by Warren Buffett emphasizes the importance of preparing for tough times. It draws attention to the fact that during periods of financial struggles or stress, those who have failed to take precautionary measures in advance may be the ones who are most exposed to trouble. Many times investors (I have also been guilty of this) leverage their investment portfolios to try to increase their gains in the market. But, when the market takes an unexpected turn, those hopeful gains turn into realistic and potential losses. Always prepare for rain, even when it is sunny out and there isn’t a cloud in the sky.

Not every one of these quotes directly deals with investing in the stock market or investing in general, but are important perspectives to take note of as we all navigate our personal, professional, and financial journey. Many of us keep looking for the next get rich quick scheme or investment fad, but Warren Buffett continues to prove that the slow and steady race sure stacks up quite heavily.

This is not financial advice. For educational purposes only. Before making any financial decisions, consult with a professional.

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Luke Lareau

Here to See People Succeed Through Home Ownership and Financial Education. Investing Tips and Macro Economic Perspectives for Everyday Americans.