How Being a Private Person will Boost Your Overall Net Worth — and Happiness

Dinah W
Published in
5 min readMar 13, 2023
Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

We live in a day-and-age where everything gets documented.

From our Sunday waffle breakfast (because everyone cares, right!) to our trip to town, the hairdresser’s, the gym, you name it. It’s all there. Online. For the world to see.

Thanks to Snapchat, Instagram and the hottest of all — TikTok — there are so many outlets for us to broadcast our lives.

And let’s not forget that rush of dopamine we know and love.

We’re almost encouraged to flaunt our every move.

And c’mon, who doesn’t love all that attention when others get to see all those $$$ we’ve been able to spend on fancy stuff from high-life holidays to dazzling dinners.

Who’s it really for?

A friend once said something to me a while back that stuck in my mind ever since.

She said (ever so seriously): “What’s the use in going to a fancy hotel if no one can see it?”.

I suppose that’s the problem.

We need to get back into the groove of doing things for ourselves.

Without falling into the trap of spending money simply for flaunting’s sake.

In the end, we’re just making others jealous, causing them to feel bad about themselves.

And that’s just not a nice thought at all.

The last we want is to make others feel bad.

Take that holiday.
Book that spa date.
Take a break from life.
Indulge in that delicious meal.
Spend time with your loved ones.

For yourself.

And yourself only.

Be present and soak up the moment. The world (and your online friends) can wait.

Live by your own rules

People think wearing a Canada Goose paired with the latest Balenciaga sock boots or whatever is a sign of wealth.

But it’s not.

All it shows is that you’ve chosen to spend (probably a bit too much) money on a coat and socks shoes.

But that’s it.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Let me ask you this: if brands were invisible would you still spend £575 on those Gucci sneaks (minus those glitzy letters), or would a pair of ordinary ones do the job?

Thought so!

We’ve gotten so used to impressing others that we lose sight of who we are and what we really want.

I beg you, please don’t waste your money trying to impress others.

Because the others don’t really care!

Not nearly as much as you think.

Everyone’s too busy thinking about themselves.

But we don’t always think like that before we make big purchases. And maybe we should.

Sure, I love nice stuff. I really do.

It makes me feel good as much as the next person.

But designer swag for designer’s sake ain’t a priority for me and if lockdown has taught me anything it’s that nothing beats a pair of humble sweats.

We went basic for more than an entire year and to be honest it’s kinda stuck. For me at least!

Getting all dressed up is a bother, to mention being so uncomfortable.

Comfort is the ultimate flex.

Big purchases should be for us

To make us feel good; not to feed our inner insecurities.

Because if you’re splashing out just to look “good” you’ll regret it one day down the line and hey, that insecurity will still be there.

I promise you no one cares what you wear where you (do or don’t) travel to or what you eat for brunch on Sundays nearly as much as you think!

Everyone’s too busy with their own stuff to care. And trust me, that’s a good thing.

Imagine if we wasted precious time and mental energy thinking about what others did/wore/ate! We’d have zero time for anything that actually matters!

We live in a society where people make instant assumptions about you based on how you dress.

But here’s the thing, the top 1% don’t need to flaunt a darn thing. Sure, they’ll happily spend a few hundred dollars on a scarf/dress/handbag but (for the most part anyway), they’ve worked so damn hard to get where they are that that in itself is enough.

And to be honest, they’re way too busy tending to their growing portfolios to worry about what others think of them. In the slightest bit.

The richer people get, the less they care what others think.

Privacy perks

The top 1% are used to being incognito.

They want their privacy. And they’ll do anything to get it.

They do not need, nor want, their entire neighbourhood to know their net wealth nor how much they spend on their trips to Barbados or on their michelin-star dinner.

Money isn’t something you should be flaunting.

If you have it; enjoy it. If you don’t, start making it.

Don’t waste your time on fancy things all to give off a certain impression to others. It ain’t worth it.

When people know that you have money, they’ll treat you slightly differently.

They might expect you (or even ask you) to foot the restaurant bills and you could get charged more on insurance.

Some things are best kept private. And money is one of those things.

This is totally contradictory to the world we live in.

Since many people value money, they’ll want to show off what they have.

So that others respect/like/admire them. Because that makes them feel good.

But you want someone to like you for You.

To be with you for your splendid and umatched company. Not for your pots of money.

You don’t really wanna be second-guessing your friends, wondering whether they’re with you for you or for that dosh of yours.

Oh, and I dunno who needs to hear this but there’s only so much you should reveal on your dates!

You don’t need to tell every potential how much you’re earning and what investment you do or don’t have.

Nothing wrong with a little bit of privacy.

So next time you spot a passer-by in some non-designer swag, don’t judge them.

They’re not spending for others, and we could all take a leaf outa their books.

It’s high-time we start to enjoying our seemingly ordinary clothing and embrace being Us.

No amount of designer wear can — or should — change that.

Learn to feel empowered in your own skin and you’ll be 10x happier — and richer — for it.

Go on, try it.

Disclaimer: This is not investment or financial advice. It is my opinion only. This is not a personal recommendation to buy/sell any security, or to adopt any such investment strategy. Always do your own research before you commit to any investment.

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Dinah W

Demystifying the personal finance jungle (so you don't have to)