How To Build Simple Wealth Habits That Can Make You A Self-Made Millionaire One Day

Discipline is essential, with it you can create the financial future you want.

7 min readNov 22, 2022


Man opening “Binance “on laptop
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Self-Made Millionaires have amassed significant fortunes without the benefit of a hefty inheritance or trust fund.

Self-made people start by starting and growing their wealth over time, first learning fundamental money skills like budgeting and then going on to saving and investing.

The money habits of the newly wealthy are behaviors that almost anybody, regardless of financial condition, may learn from.

So, today we’ll speak about some essential habits that can help you improve your net worth over time.

Although the title implies that these are simple habits, they will be challenging to follow without self-discipline and responsibility. Every successful entrepreneur and investor practices the bulk of these habits in their own life.

Habit 1: Planning To Commit Fully To Yourself

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Committing to yourself seems like just what you need to establish a goal for your life.

LT means “long term” and you must stay with it. Building your net worth is like constructing a castle brick by brick, and to accomplish so, we must begin with a solid foundation, which is your specific strategy to raise your income and invest.

That income can and will fluctuate over time due to life circumstances beyond our control, but an innate will, irrational optimism, and a high-risk tolerance, especially at a young age, will be your finest assets for Building Wealth.

Discipline and excellent behavioral habits, such as emotional control, and most importantly, never-ending learning must be formed first.

Everyone I know that is successful is a lifelong learner, wonderful, and modest.

They are the first to say when they are incorrect or make a mistake and when they don’t know something.

However, they will instantly endeavor to find out and educate themselves to perfect habit number one.

Habit 2: Raise Your Marketability

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This is consistent with my belief that raising your income is always preferable to increasing your savings rate. You must do both, but you cannot be a professional athlete who blows everything.

I understand that this may irritate some individuals, but the only way to develop wealth is to reduce the costs required to boost marketability.

In our culture, our pay is generally proportional to the amount of value we offer to the marketplace. “More value equals better revenue”, thus the issue we should ask about is:

How can we improve our marketability?

This includes marketable talents. Education, creativity, and, most importantly, problem-solving not only make you more desired and sought after, but they also make you more valuable as a person to yourself. This not only makes you employable, but it also makes you self-employable, which in my opinion is the ultimate job security.

Use the discipline outlined in habit one to harness the resources available to you to improve your total skill set and marketability.

Nobody can take your information and skills away from you, the knowledge you have is yours to keep for the rest of your life.

Habit 3: Stay Out Of Debt

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This may seem apparent, but avoiding debt is a good practice that may benefit your entire financial situation.

Because most credit cards charge exorbitant interest when you carry a balance, prioritize paying these bills off in whole and on time every month to maintain a decent credit score. Charge just what you know you can pay back, and avoid using shop credit cards in general.

If you want to accumulate wealth, you cannot afford to pay interest on consumer borrowings, such as credit cards and even auto loans.

Habit 4: Start Building Your Cash Flows

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that we’ve committed to ourselves in the first habit, and we’ve improved our market worth in habit two and gotten out of debt in habit three. So habit number four will be to build out our financial flows.

But, how do we go about it?

We may accomplish this in a variety of ways, including investing in cash-flowing assets such as real estate or dividend stocks or using our abilities from habit number two to take on contract work, side hustles, or side projects.

Starting an internet company that pays us while we sleep, or even starting a YouTube channel, for example, is a feasible aim you need to transform yourself into a productive asset and then turn your returns into productive assets by investing.

So, the myth of passive income does not exist until you reach a critical mass or until you make a concentrated effort to incorporate it into your life.

Habit 5: Maintain A Budget

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Aim to save 50% of your after-tax earnings and spend the remainder as follows for a good savings habit:

• Housing — no more than 25%

• Automobiles — 5% or less (including maintenance & fuel)

• Clothing — no more than 5% (remember to buy quality over quantity)

• Vacations — 5% or less (look for travel deals)

• 10% or less for entertainment

Habit 6: Construct A Sustainable Investment Portfolio

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investment is dependent on risk tolerance, age, time preference, and financial condition; nonetheless, the key asset classes that most individuals will benefit from are a long-term mix of equities, sometimes known as stocks. real estate, precious metals, cryptocurrencies, notably Bitcoin, and rare assets such as collectibles, land, and the like

As the market shifts from growth to value, it may make sense for investors to reconsider dividend equities in favor of high-flying growth firms.

As a result, real estate may begin to decline over the following year, or individuals may begin to save money in their War chest to take advantage of a downturn.

All of those distinct asset types in real estate will serve different purposes depending on where you are in your wealth-building journey.

The goal is to continuously invest over time so that your assets work for you rather than you work for them. This takes the shape of a robust Investment Portfolio, which must be built.

Habit 7: Never Compare Yourself To Others

Photo by Malte Helmhold on Unsplash

whether you’re in high school or an elderly person, When you start your first job making more money, you look up to your coworkers and supervisors who make more money than you and want to be like them.

And obviously, Social Media is the main reason. since individuals are always sharing a highlight reel of their own life by developing habits one through seven outlined throughout this post.

Everyone is on their path in life, and if they sincerely apply these habits, they will arrive at their speed.

What I’m trying to say is that once you start generating a little money, don’t compare yourself to others and compete with others, which is one of the most useless endeavors we can undertake as humans.

So, the bottom line is :

“Don't compare yourself to others before moving ahead on your wealth-building journey.”

Final Thought

If you genuinely follow these seven steps, you will do better than 85 percent of the people.

Even those with more money than you are occasionally unhappy, and you have no idea what troubles they are experiencing as a result of their wealth.

So, you should comprehend why you’re making these efforts to enhance your net worth or boost your cash flows appropriately.

Undoubtedly, there will be difficulties ahead. Discipline and responsibility are the difficult parts of doing something consistently across decades, 10, 20, or 30 years, whether you’re already established or young.

If you already have a strategy in mind and begin to develop this money, remember that “money is only the door to freedom. It just provides you with more possibilities in life”.

If you don’t plan ahead of time for this money, it will rule you.

“Money is an excellent servant but not a good master.”

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Just a writer who wants to leave a positive impact on readers through his words.💚