Smart People Poor People

Is a high level of innate intelligence a clear indicator of financial success?

4 min readDec 2, 2022


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Why are many smart people not as wealthy as they should be in many cases?

An article in Bloomberg warned us not to confuse a high IQ with good grades. The study discovered that personality influences financial performance far more than IQ.

Conscientiousness was the most factor strongly connected with financial success.

According to Oxford Dictionary Conscientiousness defines as “Wishing to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly.”

It is also described as diligent, dedicated, perseverant, self-disciplined, meticulous, attentive, careful, studious, rigorous, and hard-working.

Also, curiosity was the third factor that affected financial success.

It is one of the nine characteristics shared by persons with strong emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent people are interested in everyone around them. The more a person cares about other people and their problems, the more interested they will be in them.

“Curiosity is the result of empathy, which is one of the most important entrances to a high IQ.”

Of course, there are other reasons to prove that “Financial success has no relation with innate intelligence “, Here are the most important of them :


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Many smart people view perfectionism as a sign of intelligence and diligence, however in reality seeking perfection is one of the biggest impediments to success.

perfectionism can cause people to become paralyzed with fear of making mistakes.

They become so obsessed with making everything perfect that they never get anything done.

People who are perfectionists tend to be very hard on themselves and are never satisfied with their work.

The best way to break the habit of perfectionism is to learn to accept mistakes and realize that mistakes are a natural part of life and that everyone makes them.


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Smart people frequently attribute a large portion of their self-esteem to their intelligence which can reduce resilience and lead to avoidance.

Self-esteem is based on your intelligence working with people who are more talented or intellectual receiving constructive criticism or taking a risk and failing. The Smart person may even try to avoid those circumstances that disadvantage him or any situation that makes him feel stupid.

Overthink Before Taking Risks

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Another bad habit that is common among intelligent people is overthinking.

This happens when a person over-analyzes a situation to the point where they find it difficult to decide. they may also be so focused on finding the perfect solution that they never, take any action this may sound familiar to them.

How many times have you not taken a step because you wanted to just get that extra bit of information to help in your decision-making?

Now, I will give you several ways to break this habit.

· First, force yourself to act even if it isn’t the optimal solution, you won’t be taking the correct action right away, but you’ll eventually realize that swift imperfect action is preferable to delayed perfect action.

· Second, try to simplify the problem so that it is easier to analyze, this makes it easier to cut out the noise and focus on only the essential components of the problem which reduces the complexity and makes it faster to act on it


Smart people are often introverted and like to be by themselves.

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There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being an introvert, as this can simply be who we are as a person.

Reclusiveness is a bad habit socially and also leads to a lack of wealth.

It can keep people from networking and connecting with others who could help them advance their careers or businesses.

It can also keep people from meeting new friends and developing relationships that could be beneficial for them in the future.

The Final Thought

Of course, there are geniuses like ‘Elon musk’ and ‘Steve jobs’ who have managed to turn their brilliance into riches, but this is not as common as you’d think. So, it does not always make sense that:

The smarter you are, the more likely you are to succeed financially.

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