Why it’s 99.99% Impossible to Fake this Source of Wealth

Dinah W
Published in
6 min readMar 14, 2023
Photo by Alexandre Debiève on Unsplash

Everyone’s in the business of looking rich these days.

They’ll do almost anything to give off the impression that they’ve got oodles of cash. Because that’s what matters most, right?

It’s no wonder we keep bumping into those fake Louis Vuitton monogramed bags. You know the ones!

Then there’s the cars. That lovely status symbol on wheels.

And with all these supply shortages still very much going on, bagging one fresh outa the showroom is the ultimate flex.

But guess what? ~90% of cars are ‘bought’ on loan. Aka consumers taking out debt since they can’t afford their wheels outright.

Loans mean more monthly expenses. And more expenses means you need more money just to cover these new costs.

Quite the stress just to show people you can ‘afford’ things, huh!

It might be easy to fake a handbag (though they aren’t all as authentic-looking as its wearers wish!) and perhaps a coat or two.

But you can’t fake wealth. You’ve either got it or you don’t.

And I hate to break it to you, but until you see the inside of someone’s bank (and investment) account, you do not know how wealthy anyone is.

No matter what they‘re wearing — or driving.

The real deal is in real estate

The difference between looking rich and being rich are worlds apart.

And it’s the latter that matters most.

When it comes to real estate, there really is nowhere to hide.

There’s a ceiling for your mortgage.

You can only borrow so much. Apart from ’08 when banks were practically dishing out mortgages like candy!

In the UK, the max you can borrow for a mortgage is usually between 3 and 4X your annual salary.

But if you’re applying for a mortgage with your partner you can usually secure one with 4X your joint income.

But that’s it.

Luxury living

I spent the morning in one of London’s most expensive postcodes.

The properties at this location start from a cool £10 million a pop. Swanky cars are everywhere.

From the latest Maserati to those brilliant Bugatti’s. They’ve got ’em all.

I bumped into gardeners pruning residents’ trees, cleaning the floors (that their cars would later drive on!) and you had workmen polishing their very many doors.

These properties look pristine. Just like in the movies.

And there wasn’t a thing out of place. Not a leaf or a spec of rubbish.

The owners either have sky-high incomes allowing them to put a deposit on such an expensive place or they’ve already made their money and have millions splashing around.

Or both!

And there are all sorts of interesting ways in which the super-rich buy their homes.

Some even put down their shares as a deposit! But if you don’t have assets bagging these beauties will be near to impossible.

See, when it comes to the more expensive postcodes, most ordinary folk would not qualify for that kind of mortgage.

Though there are people who will put literally everything into their homes.

They’d squeeze themselves so hard all to get into that specific street. The one that’s slightly out of their league.

And guess what?

All they’re left with is a big pile of debt. No investments. No sneaky stocks or crypto stashed away.

Just a house and way too much debt.

All to live in a bigger, fancier place. No thank you.

Unless of course, you’re offering to foot the bill! Ha, thought so!

Live below your means

Debt is a multiplier. It’ll make the good times better but it’ll make the bad times way worse.

If you’ve taken out debt you’ve got to be able to meet those monthly payments. Month after month.

But more importantly you must have enough (emergency) cash to cover the cost of 6–12 months’ worth of these expenses. In case the worse happens.

Like losing your job. Read here how you can bullet — proof your finances to survive a layoff.

But let me tell you, most people with excessive levels of debt do not have nearly enough cash stashed away for these kinds of emergencies.

And when the bad times strike, they’ll have to sell assets (if they have any).

And the last thing anyone wants is to be a forced-seller. Because when you’re desperate for something, you almost certainly won’t get a good deal.

Stop the stress!

Then there’s all the stress that comes with debt.

I know a handful of people who are mortgaged up to their eyeballs.

They work day in day out. All to pay their pile of bills.

They’re not able to build their asset base since all they’re doing is paying off debt on one single asset — their house.

Diversification is crucial. If not, you’ll start to feel trapped o your job.

And while your home is technically an asset (I’m assuming you won’t be renting it out if you live in it but it’ll hopefully appreciate in value) most people won’t sell their homes.

Not during their lifetimes anyway.

Unless of course they downsize. Which is why you need a whole bunch of other assets.

Plus, who wants to be paying off their loans when they’re 80!

But all this can be solved by not living above your means.

This means no drowning in debt. This means less stress. And it means greater wellbeing.

If you can’t afford to live a particular area, do yourselves a favour and look elsewhere.

It isn’t worth your mental sanity to push yourself to the limit.

And all for what? To live in a fancier area with a heavier load of debt?

That does not smell like financial freedom to me!

The only person you should focus on impressing is yourself

And yourself only. And if you want to treat yourself (which for me seems to be so often these days!) go out and do it.

By all means.

Because that’s what all this nice stuff is there for.

But the minute that you’re doing it for others, you’ve totally missed the point.

You’ll be missing out on all that enjoyment that you could’ve had. And from what I’ve seen, most people are too busy with their own lives and their own stuff to spend time thinking about what others are (or aren’t) spending their money on.

It’s time we start doing things for ourselves. Not for others.

Imagine how much better off all these people would be if they put all that money into their investment accounts.

Instead of taking out expensive car loans and buying all sorts of other things.

I guarantee if you knew how much your money now would compound to in 50 years’ time, you would not think twice. You’d load it all up.

But since we’re too short-term, wanting things here and now, we give up on our financial future.

But it’s never too late.

We’ve all made mistakes.

So learn from them and turn yourself around.

Make new habits.

Ones that you’ll be proud of.

Ones that will lay the foundation for the future you want.

There’s so much more to life than impressing others.

Impressing yourself is the new cool.

Disclaimer: This is not investment or financial advice. It is my opinion only. This is not a personal recommendation to buy/sell any security, or to adopt any such investment strategy. Always do your own research before you commit to any investment.



Dinah W

Demystifying the personal finance jungle (so you don't have to)