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What’s happening with WikiTribune?

We’ve been quiet… in a good way

Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2017


As you might have noticed, we haven’t been saying a whole lot lately. We haven’t got bored and wandered off to do something else — we’re just mega-busy, heads down, getting the site ready.

First thing to address: a while back, we mentioned a speculative launch date of September 2017. Well, it’s midway through the month, and we can honestly say we’re… on time and on schedule! Hooray.

We have already invited hundreds of people into the private beta, and we will
begin publishing stories this month.

Wanna join the beta?

WikiTribune is a work in progress, but that doesn’t mean you can’t see the fruits of our labour and your support: our beta site is up and we’re keenly looking for volunteer testers. On the beta site, you can see where we are with design and build, and read some of the stories our journalists and community members have been working on. Sign up to be a beta tester here. But bear in mind…

WikiTribune, like all wikis, will never be a “finished product”. This isn’t the kind of thing that you work on for a few months until it’s done and then release it into the wild. That’s thinking from the era of software in boxes.

When you first get in, you’ll see rough spots. And you’ll help us fix them — both in the software and the journalism. So add your name to the beta list, get stuck in and give us your feedback. We can’t wait to hear what you think.

