Wilbur Mouse

A Mouse’s View on Life

Wilbur Mouse
Wilbur’s Wacky World


“Wilbur the mouse is a cheese aficionado extraordinaire. He talks, sings, and dreams about cheese. He has nightmares about cheese thieves. He hides cheese everywhere.”
— Izza Mouse


Wilbur may be a tiny little mouse, but he isn’t going to let this slight disadvantage stop him from doing things which humans can do. In fact, being small sometimes is an advantage.

His adventures include in the secret realm of the League of Vermin. However, things might heat up even more when he leaves the familiar territory of the Mouse Underworld. Still, Wilbur can’t resist exploring the domain of the human race.

Want to hear Wilbur speak in his mouse voice?:

Play Audio — Intro To Wilbur’s Wacky World — SoundCloud


A few good humans are Wilbur’s friends.


Wilbur also has his share of run-ins with crooks, con men, and goofballs. One particularly unpleasant person is Irma. She is determined to send Wilbur back to the Mouse Underworld, so she interfers in his friendships with humans.

Irma might look like a librarian in an elf’s pointy slippers, but she has a mind as astute and flexible as a brick. She exemplifies a mentality which Wilbur finds particularly confounding:

“Often wrong, but never in doubt.”


Despite what any busybodies might whisper, Wilbur really is a decent, kind mouse … most of the time. Just don’t try to steal his sweet wonderful cheese.


To Wilbur, there is nothing better than cheese — except, of course, for his “best girl” Izza Mouse.



Wilbur is an industrious mouse. He would die of boredom if the ever ran out of things to do.

Journeyman Clockmaker

Wilbur makes clocks for a living. He finished his basic apprenticeship and keeps his own humble shop, because he now is a skilled journeyman clockmaker. However, he still receives advanced instruction from an exceptional human Master Clockmaker. Wilbur’s specialty is producing fabulous antique-style grandfather clocks, but he can repair even the biggest of bell tower clocks.


Amateur Cheese Sleuth

When others need Wilbur’s help with “cheese issues,” he switches into amateur cheese sleuth mode. He helps others find their lost cheese.

Don’t you just hate it when you lose your cheese?


Stationmaster for Lost Unicorn Mission

Wilbur serves as a volunteer Stationmaster for the Lost Unicorn Mission. He frequently rescues lost baby unicorns, when they wander off from their mothers. It’s a demanding task, because baby unicorns are very persnickety. They get into things they shouldn’t, because they are exceedingly curious. Yes, it’s a tough job for Wilbur to do on the side of his other duties, but somebody has to do it.

Baby unicorns sometimes get in the way at Wilbur’s clock shop.

Flying Robot Designer

When Wilbur has spare time, he designs flying robots. He’d tell you more, but some humans don’t like his intruding into their bailiwick.

Reminder: Look up the definition of bailiwick, wheelhouse, and writ. Humans have these weird terms.

Wilbur’s robot was stolen by those Black Helicopter guys. Wilbur wants it back.

Defender of Virtue

When Wilbur sees somebody being taken advantage of by a creep, he defends the person’s virtue. Its the right thing to do.

Wilbur has a particular obsession with uncovering corruption among the political class.


Admirer of Izza Mouse

When he’s fortunate, Wilbur also gets to spend time with the always amazing @IzzaMouse.

In fact, Wilbur is planning on heading to Izza’s house right now, for a snack of cheese.


Adoptive Parent of a Piggy Named “Pig”

Wilbur adopted a little piggy called Pig. Its parents are Papa Pig and Mama Pig. Their house was full, so they asked Wilbur to adopt Pig and teach it a trade. Even adult pigs don’t have the dexterity to work on clocks, so Wilbur can’t teach Pig to repair clocks.

However, pigs have excellent noses. So, Doc is training Pig to hunt truffles. Since Pig is a vegetarian and likes being outdoors, and Wilbur enjoys good food too, this is a perfect matchup. Of course, Pig is still a juvenile and is a bit difficult to teach at times.


Pig might be on its way to become a prize truffle hunter, but it still gets to be a kid and have fun. Pig even has hobbies, such as training to run in Irish piggy races.



Life is good — especially when you have close friends and spare cheese to share.

Over and out,


Wilbur sometimes gets confused by human idioms.


Wilbur is on Twitter: @WilburMouse

You can find out more about Wilbur’s Wacky World and his’s many adventures there, including with the totally adorable @IzzaMouse.

Text and Wilbur’s embedded images © @WilburMouse on Twitter and Medium plus @Sound_Off on Storify



Wilbur Mouse
Wilbur’s Wacky World

Grandfather Clock Maker - Amateur Cheese Sleuth - Lost Unicorn Stationmaster - Flying Robot Designer - Defender of Virtue - Admirer of @IzzaMouse