My Picture of Torii Gates at Fushimini Inari in Kyoto, Japan


Wakayama is the Hidden Treasure of Japan

“The Soul of Japan”

Nate Richards
Wild Adventure
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2019


A couple months ago, I took the opportunity to drive down to Wakayama Prefecture in Japan. It’s not a particularly well known prefecture, so all of the Japanese citizens that I discussed my trip with were surprised that I was driving all the way down there instead of going to more popular tourist destinations like Kyoto or Tokyo. After making the trip, I can confidently say that Wakayama is my favorite prefecture in Japan.

It’s no exaggeration to say that Wakayama is the soul of Japan, that’s even it’s prefectural motto, and for good reason.

As a child, I remember fantasizing about ancient Japan. I’d look at ancient Japanese landscape art, listen to stories of samurai/monks, and scroll through pictures of magical temples on Google. However, when I came to live in Japan a year ago, I was gradually disappointed when faced with the reality of Japan’s modernity.

There are absolutely cool temples to visit and pictures to take, but for the most part, everything is modern, has been commercialized, and is filled with tourists. When I came here, I did not feel like my childhood version of Japan was actuated. At least, until I took that week-long road-trip to Wakayama.



Nate Richards
Wild Adventure

Translator for the human heart. I write about life, leadership, and travel.