Tenderness and Bravery

There are going to be days…

Jeanette LeBlanc
Wild Heart Writers


Image of author by Stephanie Greene

There are going to be days where your tenderness and your bravery nestle up close enough to one another to dance that you’ll have a damn hard time telling which one is taking the lead and which is meant to follow. ⁠

Days that your core wounds will appear to be building new a wall for every single one your insistence on healing brings down. ⁠

Days where your heart sings “my god, please come here and hold me” almost loudly enough to cover up the sound of your feet hitting the ground running far and fast in the other direction. ⁠

Days when you want to pull away from possibility and go hide in the corner all alone, but possibly only to see if someone will follow you and coax you out again so you can take another dive headfirst into bliss. ⁠

It’s not always clear, the messages we get from our desires and our traumas and our hopes and our wounds. They like to yell over each other, vying for space and bending our ear to convince us to focus our listening in their direction. ⁠

We can’t always tell the difference between boldness and foolishness. To know if we’re listening to the wisdom of experience or the cynicism of damage. To follow the call of freedom at all costs or to sing the song of relationship and interdependence.⁠

You might wonder. Am I giving myself a chance to rewrite my trauma, or retriggering the fuck out of myself for no good reason? Is…



Jeanette LeBlanc
Wild Heart Writers

Howling at the moon, dancing with the words and seducing the muse. Your stories are where the revolution begins. Why aren’t YOU writing? jeanetteleblanc.com