What can you do when you do too much?

Stepping Back from the Mosaic Mess of Overachievement

6 Things I Learned When I Stopped Writing

Shannon Crossman
Wild Heart Writers
Published in
4 min readSep 7, 2019


photo from Pixabay

There are days (weeks or months) where I get stars stuck in my eyes.

I get so high on the possibility of things that I forget to draw down the threads that connect those ideas to reality.

Inspiration is my catnip. If you gift it to me, I will bat it around for hours and weeks, heedless of the passage of time. This passionate engagement makes me a highly creative human, though it also has its drawbacks.

When I am dazzled by starlight, I overcommit myself.

At the end of last year, I thought I’d jump on the teacher-writer bandwagon. Nevermind that I have a fairly stressful day job, a writing practice, and a family/social life. No problem. I can throw launching a new business right on top of that pile.

Photo by Eneida Nieves from Pexels

Watch me spin plates like a master juggler. Hah! More like watch…



Shannon Crossman
Wild Heart Writers

Writer, voracious reader, and eternally curious human who’s often wonderstruck by life.