To the Core…

How do you define yourself?

Angela Felzmann
Wild Heart Writers
5 min readJan 19, 2020


Authenticity. Because false and fake and untrue has become the accepted norm. We are all accountable to ourselves.

Badass. Blacksheep. Backlash. Because we can never stop raging against the machine. You should want to be different because there is far too much sameness and conformity. Rage people, rage! Speak out. Step up. Be seen.

Control. Be smart enough to know what you can and can’t control. Be mindful and considerate when you exert it towards another. Master all that you can control and own that shit to no limits. Have confidence in yourself, hold your head high, keep a steady gaze, make your presence known. Ensure you have a strong and worthy character.

Depth. For god sake, explore and share and show your depth. We are all so much more than skin deep and what you project from the outside. Practice discernment and judgment and caution in all things for your own safety, for your own sake and wellbeing. Be diligent in all you do.

Euphoria. Find this where ever and whenever possible. There is excellence to be had and exaltation to be celebrated. Protect and care for your energy because once you give it away, you can’t get it back.

Freedom. To choose, to be, to have a voice, to share thoughts, to write, to sing, to create statements within ourselves and this world. Exercise your freedom to no ends. Fuck off to anyone who stands in your way.

Genuine. Because this has become lost and missing and has escaped how we communicate, how we interact, how we connect. Always choose to be genuine over indifferent or polite, for the sake of niceties. Give a shit about something and make sure it matters. To you, to others, to all.

Honesty. If you can be anything, always be honest. This is also a dying virtue in our land of make-believe and rose-colored glasses. And as the saying goes, honesty is always the best policy. How well anyone progresses in life if they can’t even be honest with themselves? I know far too many people who lie and actually believe they are fooling themselves and others. Jokes on them, cause I see right through that shit. Humble yourself for things that actually matter. Honor your truths.

Independence. Take this and run with it as long and far and wide as you can. There is a sense of accomplishment and pride that comes from doing things on your own. Show others your presence and strength. Integrity has much value.

Judgment. Careful how you judge others. It is so easy to do. Careful how you let other's judgment affect you. Does it matter? Cultivate good judgment for yourself and don’t let anyone sway you or convince you otherwise.

Kindness. Kindness costs us nothing personally. Be kind always, in your words, in gestures, in your motivations. And showing kindness will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It takes very little to lift another when they may need it the most.

Listen. Listen carefully to everything around you. Listen and pay attention with all your senses, your intuition, your gut. They will never serve you badly. And when you stop doubting what you see, know and hear, your greater good will always be served and honored.

Magic. Magic surrounds us and is with us everywhere. Open your eyes and allow yourself to see it. It’s in the music, in the fairytales, otherworlds, neverlands, and wonderlands. It’s our dreams. In our visions. In the art, in the food, in nature. Don’t deny the goodness that is before us in abundance.

Never. I hope by now you know to never say never. Because anything is possible. It’s all possible. The best of it and the worst of it and things you never could have imagined. Ever. However, never underestimate me or back me in a corner to force my hand or try to manipulate me for your own gain. You will lose every time. That’s a fact.

Outspoken. Say your piece. Don’t hide in fear. Speak up. Speak out. Speak loud. Make sure everyone hears you. Roar you beast.

Pride. Always carry yourself with pride but don’t ever let your ego get the better of you. Keep yourself in check. Think back on all that is you and revel in it. We all have much to be proud of. Persevere.

Question. Question everything. Inside and out. Never stop having questions or seeking answers. Games are played so easily and we can be quickly blindsided. Be quick and be smart. And never stop growing into the queen you are.

Reflect. Always take time for reflection on lessons and things that matter. Reflection will grow us and keep us grounded. It will bring us closer to ourselves.

Sacred. Keep your spirit alive, well and safe. Be sassy. Be swift. Be aware of your senses, and don’t ever lose your common sense. Feed your strength. Stun the world.

Truth. Never lose sight of the truth. Don’t be afraid of it. Speak your truth always. Don’t run and hide from it. For doing so will only cause you more damage.

Unique. Always embrace that which makes you different and stand out from the crowd. We all have our own style and expression and way. Rock who you are.

Value. Make sure you are always aware of what you value. The things you appreciate and can’t do without. Take care not to take advantage of what is available. Hold strong virtues that shape you.

Worth. Never forget your worth, or who you are. We are worthy. Keep all the wisdom and lessons you garner and learn. They will grow us into sound and wise and sage creatures.

X-ray. Always keep the requisition and complete it. I mean, your doctor wouldn’t want you to have one if you didn’t need it. I’m laughing so hard I have tears because honestly, I got fucking nothing else.

Young. I hope we all remain young at heart regardless of our age. It is when we stop doing things that keep us young, that we begin to age. Our bodies and looks may age, but our youthfulness can remain with us.

Zest. Go after everything fervently, zealously, with passion and fire. Never dull your shine for anyone else’s comfort. Ever.

