Social Distancing Does Not Preclude Intimacy: We Are Not Made To Be Alone.

Stay close, we belong to each other, fumbling caretakers though we may be.

Jeanette LeBlanc
Wild Heart Writers


Social distancing does not preclude intimacy.⁠ It MUST not preclude intimacy.⁠ We are not made to be alone, and right now we need each other, and this reminder, more than ever.⁠

If you’re alone tonight and you don’t want to be: come join me in the togetherness we can always find when we stare up at the wisdom of the same bright moon.

You whisper her your secrets, and I will whisper her mine, and she’ll hold them both safely and wink back at us to remind us that we’re never really alone as long as she’s watching.

If you’re in your own dark night of the soul and things seem



Jeanette LeBlanc
Wild Heart Writers

Howling at the moon, dancing with the words and seducing the muse. Your stories are where the revolution begins. Why aren’t YOU writing?