Wildlife conservation poem

The American Center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, organized a writing poem contest with the theme “wildlife conservation”. I submitted the one below and luckily got the first prize :)

HG Trinh
1 min readNov 15, 2013

There is a man eating the bones of a Tiger.

Why? To be big and stronger!

There is a man eating the horns of a Rhino.

Why? To be healthy, just to say so.

There is a man eating the meat of a Whale.

Why? To live longer than a snail.

There is a man eating the eggs of a Sea Turtle.

Why? To taste something nice, to shuffle.

There is a man eating the whole of a Gorilla.

Why? Just for fun, then sing sha la la.

There is a man eating the entire wilderness.

Why? To be the most powerful, at least.

To one day…

There is a man eating himself.

Why? Since he’s got nothing else.

