If Life Had an Instruction Manual it Would Look Like this

- it’s simpler than you think.

Joana dos Reis


Photo by Nitin Arya from Pexels

Do you ever feel like another day goes by and you still don’t know what you’re doing here? Or who you are? Or what you should be doing?

You know, with your life.

While doing a quick search for the definition of life, the Cambridge English Dictionary popped out, describing it as “the period between birth and death, or the experience or state of being alive.”

The period between birth and death.

The experience or state of being alive.


What is life? And how come no one gave us an instruction manual on the day we were born explaining what we were about to get ourselves into?

Like a thick book with a heavy cover that we would open and read on the first page: “Hello, newborn human, and welcome to life! This is how it works…”

But that would be too easy. You see, we have to figure it out by ourselves, the best way we can. And we all know how life can be hard sometimes. Don’t we?

The thing is, it’s really up to us to live our lives. We can either choose to live it fully, or not at all. I truly believe everyone wants to live it to the fullest, but many just don’t know…



Joana dos Reis

I believe in ❝ the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. ❞ Meet me on Instagram - @joana.dos.reis